One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Chico gets his evening salad on the bottom floor ... he almost falls right out the door with excitement when it comes! Quite a few nasturtium leaves and a nasturtium flower in there. They grow well here, and will do so until the first frost, which could be well into November ....
Look at his face! He's so focused on his salad hee hee! Must.Finish.Every.Last.Bit!!!
Out of all the rabbits you have, is there any that doesn't like a salad? Hans is still steadfastly refusing greens. He even snubbed banana and apple!! Talk about bunnitude!
There's nothing like a tasty salad, although Craisins are a pretty safe bet, too! Bunny bliss!
We had our first frost last night!
Niblet's favorite green is dandelion leaves, but I never thought to give him nasturtiums! I'll try it.
Tyler and Sydney snarfle up nasturiums too. Buns do love a salad, binks and happy head shakes when the bowl appears in our house of just two rabbits.
Look at his face! He's so focused on his salad hee hee! Must.Finish.Every.Last.Bit!!!
Out of all the rabbits you have, is there any that doesn't like a salad? Hans is still steadfastly refusing greens. He even snubbed banana and apple!! Talk about bunnitude!
Shoot. The first frost could be next week! HA!
Yum! A salad with nasturtiums -- no wonder Chico got so excited!
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