It was too dang hot out for bunns and Lucky was happy to flake out on his upper level. Winston is in there somewhere too, doing the same thing.
Say ... where is a place you have been that you really liked but almost no-one else seems to have been there? Mine is "The Corner" in Winslow, Arizona. That girl in the flat-bed Ford is right there!
What a cute bunny! Look at those feet. Yes, rabbits have it pretty good, huh? I'd be happy to kick back in a condo like that and get my food brought to me daily!
looks like one relaxed bun!
Too hot for Bunns? Sydney told me he might just be tuckered out from his vacation.......
Nothing like chilaxin' on a hot summer day -- all the necessities of life close at hand!
'Touf is now incarcerated too.
Though not for reasons such as weather.
and you look mighty comfy there too - i like being incarcerated too because i'm safe from the dumb doggies. but mum is concerned because i'm not too social with her anymore so she's coming in and bugging me more
it's soooo annoying
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