Second, we invited a friend from down the street to watch with us, and Bunny lady had a grand pasta and salad and french bread dinner with brownies for dessert! Very nice :<) Without telegraphing any political leaning one way or the other, let us say we all were surprised at how well the lady from "main street" did, considering the predictions and stories leading up to it. Me and the friend were both about bored to tears by about 45 minutes though .... plus I kept thinking Biden was the Republican and Pahlin was the Democrat!
The Bunns were thumbs down universally. Not a darn thing in it for them.
I have more Sticky Buns photos of Freckles and of Saved Dave ... I'll get those up Friday evening.
PS - you guys keep up this incessant drum beating for Baxter to take over the blog and you just might be sorry for getting your wish ....
J/K Rabbits Guy, us young kids are full of sarcasm. And I agree, the debate did not have to be an hour and a half, zzzz....
Well the fluffy tribe collectively fell asleep during the debate as they did last week. Nothing much in any of them for anyone as far as the furries can tell. ~the sleepy fluffy tribe
Well, the debate didn't get anything for ME! I'm thumbs down on it too. But you know us buns. Thumbs down is fun! We can be thumbs down on anything!
except bananas
or raisins
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