Chico gets a good long morning snuggle with the Bunny Lady most days. I think Chico likes it! Bunny Lady too. Chico was one of those "lost and found" bunnies that made his magic way to our open arms! I thought we were already full-up ... "critter maxed" as they say. But I don't vote here - just do the heavy work. It is probably good I don't vote because Chico is a real fine guy and I'm glad he is here now.
There was a dusting of snow this morning - but it turned to slop before we got any bunny feet tracks. So no pictures.
Speaking of pictures. I get action shots by finding a bunn on the loose and then aiming and shooting, shooting, shooting. A lot of rejects, but that is the great thing about digital! A winner now and then.
Oh Chico is such a cutie! There is nothing better than a snuggle bunny.
Chico looks like a real cuddler! What fun to find a bun in your bed!
What a sweetie! I can see why you're so happy to have him - and he you!
Those cuddling pix are the best... I have a few here.
But you're right -- TG for digital! This woulda cost a ton with "old" film!
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