Monday, January 28, 2008


Get your tissues, Scooter's story is a tear-jerker.
Before we knew much about bunnies, Scooter was got from a hutch at the feed store as a pet for a granddaughter. He was a sweety and a huge hit, although he lived with us - an absentee pet! After a few months we noticed he seemed to sway as he sat. One day he just fell over. He was so confused. We were aghast and got him to the good Dr. Deeb who diagnosed Scoots with e. cuniculi, and not much to be done. He got worse, got severe head-tilt, and within a year he could only drag himself around in circles, and that was a very sad sight for us. At the end he lived in a little baby crib, but not too happy. We decided to end his life rather than try to keep him going in that condition since he seemed pretty miserable. And so were we. Scooter probably got the parasites as a little baby from his mother. Fortunately he did not pass them to any other of our guys.
If you have the 2005 Lop-Eared Rabbits calendar, the July bunny is a spitting image of Scooter. It stays there on our wall.
More snow today ... car stuck on hill to house. Come on rain!
The Princess has a little bunny door so she does go out in the snow. She left some tracks but sits under a cover where it is dry! The tracks got melty-blurry before I could get a pic. The other bunns take turns out under a covered area when it is snowy or real wet. Kind of like a big pre-school!


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Poor Scooter! At least you gave him as good a life as anyone could've. Given his origins, I'd say he lucked out. What a cutie, too!

Lisa said...

My heart hurts a little. I'm glad he wound up with your family. He was really lucky.

Anonymous said...

But what a lovely love muffin he was...

Anonymous said...

You gave him a great life for the time he had and I bet he gave you a lot of love and joy! It's hard when we can't help them or "fix it". I had to put down luther because his spine was broken so I know what its like Good for you taking good care of him!

Deb Cushman said...

How sad! But at least you did all that you could for him while he was alive!

I can just picture you spending your day carrying buns back and forth to the outside! You are a patient man!