NAH .. just kidding ..... Baxter is the softest, cuddliest, laid-back bunny of The House! If he disapproves, he is very subtle about it. Not like Winston, who actually "Bit the hand that feeds him" this evening. When Winnie and Lucky come in from outside to go back in their condo, I do the Luckster and BL does Winnie. I think that is about to change!
This morning I took a look at Disapproving Rabbits and sort of rapidly scrolled down through about 5 posts .. the pictures. What a horrid start to a day ... rapid fire, unrelenting disapproval!
Oh, bad Winston. And bunnies can draw some serious blood. In our early days together, little Elvis bit me on the thumb so badly I had small puddles on the floor.
Bunns are so funny and different......Baxter looks like a sweet guy, want to rub his nose and snuggle behind his ears !!!!! Feisty of Winston to snap like that, I hope he apologised....Who goona be the first sticker from the HOuseful ?
Ooh.. that picture just makes me wanna squeeze your chubby cheeks, Winston! You're sooo cute!
You shouldn't do that - most people can only stand 1 or maybe 2 DisapprovingRabbits posts in a day. (Excessive disapproval may lead to itching, burning, nausea, headaches, and an uncontrollable urge to put all your vegetables on the floor.)
I know how you feel. Patch bit me the other night when I was trying to feed him. I guess I was taking too long!
Oh Winston, how could you?
"This morning I took a look at Disapproving Rabbits and sort of rapidly scrolled down through about 5 posts .. the pictures. What a horrid start to a day ... rapid fire, unrelenting disapproval!"
Well don't DO that, silly, silly person!
that looks like very stern disapproval. Anya sometimes bit, but her real weapons were her back feet....
There were loads of rabbits in Dresden btw, I posted a photo of some of them today...
Archi Ann was really good at biting the hand that feeds ... especially if I petted the neighbor's bassett hound and forgot to wash my hand before petting her - she did not like that smell and my hand would incur the wrath of her disdain ;-)
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