I took Hopscotch off the blog list over at the left ... no new posts for many many moons ... bummer, that used to be fun to watch. I added Furry Butts and Mats with bunny.nu from Sweden ... I have this "back" list of bunny blogs I look at from time to time, but most are quite dormant or sporadic or sometimes rather strange. If one stays good and active for awhile, I will move it up front here!
Well, we got our Sticky Buns pictures taken. We just have to get them out of the camera and onto the blog -- it will happen very, very soon. We promise!
Cool. I should let my buns help with the grocery shopping. We'd probably eat lots more veggies that way.
Hey, what a cool idea! Sticking up bunnies next to the organic cilantro, "Rabbits Recommend:".
looking lovely as ever, Baxter....
I had a great, but impossible to do, idea for a Sticky Bun - there was a hoarding with an advert with photos of lots of different types of potatoes - one of them was labelled 'Anya'. Now if I'd been able to climb up onto the hoarding that potato by now would be covered up with a sticky bun photo of Anya!
Yeah I miss hopscotch ... she went off and got married, and apparently has not the time to bunny blog sniff sniff ;-)
I decided not to guess on this bunny after my poor showing with Racer the other day!
Yay!! We got it right!! We noticed that Baxter has a grey spot on his right armpit (lol, can't think of a better term :p )
Ooh, thanks for putting us on your blog list. We iz honoured!
I feel bad removing blogs from my blogroll, especially since I know I go through phases where I can't post regularly, but we've got to be realistic. I believe blogrolls should be current.
I love the fur in the picture - looks nice enough to snuggle up to, all warm!
Oh, Baxter, that RG he is so tricky. You have very nice ears, just had to say that. I think it is perfectly OK to clean up the old blog roll. But then I'm in a bit of a house cleaning mood......
I'm glad to see Baxter is economy-minded.
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