Now ... can I insert some text in here ... oh yes ... hmmm .. wonder how that worked? Anyway ... these toesys are belonging to .... ?????
Racer ... no, Winston ... er yah Winny ... no, wait more like Racer .... errrrrr ... (hee heee ... after the last guessing game fiasco, probably NOBODY will try!)

We bought a new toaster about a month ago. It works great but we should have waited. Now they give you a bank when you buy one!!!!
Let's see if this works ...I'm trying to insert a 2nd picture here .. but as we see it went up there ... Good night and good luck .
I had no idea it's so difficult to insert pictures on Blogger! Move over to Wordpress ;) It's been a breeze for me so far.
That ball of fur can only be Goldie!!
We really truly are in Malaysia. We're living in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia :D
Yes i find it annoying how Blogger has a mind of its own when inserting photos, but I can move them around.
The ball of fluff must be Goldie unless its a trick question
I agree on the picture issue...especially because at times they would be nicer side by side. Oh well, now to more pressing issues...
The furry mountain has to be Goldie's, no doubt in this household.
Did you know that if Bunny Lady collected all this fluff and spun it with some merino she could do some fantastic yarn?? :)
Looks like you won the prize for placing Furry Butts, I was fooled by the English in the signs for their Sticky Buns pix. Just goes to show RG is always right ! And that is Goldie, of course. I have trouble with anything but centered pics because the type gets messed up and even if it is fixed and is fine on preview it is NOT ok after publishing. Pics are easier to move around after text is in, I think.......
Those do look like Racer Feetsies...
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