Once the details get worked out, you are to use a picture of your bunny, make it fairly big, and stick it someplace strange or different .. like Tyler and Sydney were stuck onto a hydrant and a dumpster! Then post a picture of it on your blog. RG is going to get ahold of those pix and put them on a Web-page too and everybody can see that and do whatever they do with those things ...
Stay tuned and some of the instructions will be at T and S's blog ....
Now you'll parden me, it is time for my nightcap, a snuggle with Zoey, and lights out ....
Thanks for clarifying, Baxter, enjoy your nightcap and your snuggle with Zoey...
We have always been confused by mini-lops being being bigger. Our person is going to make another blog on how-to's and such in a day. We are on Her case to get this show on the road.
-Tyler and Sydney
absolutely no more ideas, who knows where I will end up ~Rabbie
Oki Doki, Baxter! We're staying tuned.. our ears are pointed straight up at the sky! (except Yohji, his ears can only point slightly forward *laughs*)
Over here, our mini lops are your hollands and your mini lops are our dwarf lops! confusing?! Can't wait for the instructions, I want to stick my mush everywhere!
Ooh this sounds like fun! Too bad I don't have a bunny, but I'll definitely be checking out what other bunnies come up with!
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