Winston has been a little pistol and Bunny Lady says he has fallen out of good graces. Winston says "And I care about this because ....?" Heee Heee ... Winnie is our hero! And besides, I'm a cup cake compared to Winston.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
You do and we really love that cute little white nose ;0)
You look adorable Racer and very cosy in that box
Excellent colour coordination skills, Racer! Red and yellow really brings out your black fur :)
He looks innocent to me!! :)
I like how there is a little groove cut out for his nose, too funny!
Of what is he accused? Has anyone read him his Miranda rights?
Yeah, the place for is nose view is too great, the whole thing looks like a Kurt Schwitters collage.
What would Winston care about a will? Bet his motto is "Where there's a will, there's MY way!"
You go, Racer -- great spot you've created for yourself!
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