Listen. the Avery 3383 sticky-back paper is the type that is easy to remove and so good to use for sticky bunns! I can't get it here in our little town so I plan to print on plain paper or card stock and just use some tape. We don't want to be accused of defacing anything ... =:(
Myhouserabbit has a cute example of "almost" Sticky Bunns! Take a peek .. it certainly is the idea we are after!
Zinger could go flat as a pancake too - silly bunnies
Yeah, Anya too used to be like that. Lovely photo.
Awww.. Lucky looks so contented!
LOL, those sure are cute plastic bags! The Japanese really have a knack for coming up with cute little inventions!
Cute Japanese buns ! Cute flat bun too, we call them Buncakes and sprinkle them with cilantro.
PS stick 'em up with anything sticky, that's the M.O.
ooooh, sticky buns!!
Lucky looks quite content!
We found our Avery 3383 sticker paper at Office Max. Now we just have to get our stickers printed out! Hmmmm, which picture should we choose?????
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