Sure been a spate of nice weather lately - we'll take it.
You may have read about the horrible rampage shooting here in Skagit County yesterday - right near The House if Rabbits it was. Sad and tragic. RG was caught up in the police chase ... cops going both ways in droves on the Freeway. Glad we and all we know are OK.
What an adorable picture of Chico!
I'm glad you're okay and no one you knew was in the crossfire. I wish I knew what was wrong with some people. Why can't mentally disturbed people channel their negative energies into writing moody poetry or something? (Just kidding. Sorta.)
Oh Chico, you look adorable....
How awful to have the gun rampage so close, glad you're all okay
Chico, we love your mane :D
We're so glad to hear that all of you are safe and sound!
Glad to hear you all are ok!
Rampage shooting ? ? I hadn't heard, but not I'm concerned, but now I am relieved everyone is OK. Chico, you are such a guy.....I think I can get to another post on "Sticky Buns" today, part will be choosing a name or suggestion one ! ! ! !
Hey Chico - don't feel left out man, you're part of the HoR Family so you're a part of what's going on!
Wow - glad you all are ok so close to that mess.
Yikes! Do what I do, and hide in the house with the rabbits, fearfully peering from the windows from time to time.
Glad all is well.
Chico, I do love your furry face!
Sounds scary being so close to a horrible rampage, I'm sure you looked after everybun and hoomin, Chico! x
Great idea, telling Pink to blink the flashlight on and off. As if he needs ideas for mischief. Part of this evening was spent concealing the latest hole in the carpet (wonder if BF will notice that the dresser is now sitting in the center of the floor instead of against the wall--sigh).
We are furry glad the bunns are okay! And their human servants, of course.
Wow, We'd not heard about that but we are oh so happy you are doing ok!
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