That was a pile of Goldie's fur that came out in yesterdays grooming session. Just the way it balled up and sat in that pile makes it look kinda like Goldie .. maybe! Spinning and knitting are not particularly up Bunny Lady's alley, so we don't collect the fur ... but it sure collects on everything around here. Our house is all set for Halloween!
The toes belonged to Winston! It was not really fair. You can't tell them apart unless you see the white on Racer's nose or back toes.
www.bunnytunesusa.org ... that is where you order your Live Hay'd DVD. (Look for a tab called "Order Here" or some such.) Really folks ... here are a bunch of Brits gathered in a pleasant field on a beautiful day, playing and singing (mostly) recognizable tunes turned into bunny lyrics. A courageous lot. You buy it for whatever you want to pay ($15 or more) and all that money goes to whatever Bunny Rescue site you want it to go to. A tax write off as well. Tell 'em Zoey and Boogey sent ya!
All I know is that I'm staying away from that Palin lady. She hunts stuff for pleasure and I'm not keen on getting hunted.
Although we are Obama supporters, it does seem like neither candidate is much aware of house rabbits as a significant voting force in this country......Sticky Buns needs to take care of this deficiency. Get stickering bun owners !!! I hear Saved Dave is taking a trip to see Elvis !!
As observers in the UK, we are watching carefully what happens over the pond. We surely agree with divakitty about the Palin woman...hunters are no friend of us!!
White toesies tricked our mum...and she was sooo sure!!
How lucky that you rescued Lucky!
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