Monday, February 18, 2008


Hot spit Winnie - the coast is clear. Let's hotfoot it for the 'puter and do some Bloggin'! The Princess and Savannah had their turn, now we get to try for the big time. Let's tell about how the Rabbits' Guy won't let us in, even when we scratch and dig. Hey, yeah Lucky, and I'll blog about what a great time we have pushing our salad dishes down the hole in our condo when they are empty. I love that racket and it sure does bring the Bunny Lady running. But Lucky? Hows come you have that nice mustache and I don't? Do you think maybe those beans spilled some ink all over me when I was little? No, Winnie. You were born that way. Racer is the same except he has a white spot on his nose.

OK Lucky, let's scoot. I see Rabbits' Guy is taking a snooze and now is our chance. I'll tap on the top two rows and you take the bottom two. Don't forget to hit "Publish" when we are done! Get ready world, here come The Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Did you know I had no idea that bunnies use litters as well! I thought they were like mice and just, well, chose a corner! Hehe :D

That photo is so cute!

Zinger said...

good job guys! riena makes a racket about 6 every morning, shaking her pen gate so that mum will get up and feed her! it's soooo loud i can even hear it outside!

Anonymous said...

I've tossed my water bowl about, that always gets DKM running.

L.Bo Marie said...

mmm, dish throwing.. soon to be an actual sport at the olymipcs? we can only hop(e).

ug. feeling punny today.

Deb Cushman said...

You two look like you are up to mischief -- plotting by the doorway! Can't wait to hear what all you have to say!