A friend gave us this book as a gift. It's for kids, but so nicely done. Thanks!
So many supportive comments about The Princess and her probable rebonding, in a courtly fashion! Bunny Lady says she believes The Princess was very much more her old self today .. bunnies pick up on that stuff!
Savannah took a couple nibbles on her willow ball, but that is it. I have not tried the "stuff it with oats" trick yet. Maybe they are loaded with that Pier One Holiday odor stuff???? I did not hear from Dr. Phil!
Kate on ABYOOTIFULLIFE did a meme on How to be a better Blogger and Sharing our blogging knowledge and experiences. I thought I would give it a try. Consider yourself tagged if you so choose! 1. The most important blogging things I have learned in the past year: Folks like to see pix of bunns! Also, that none of us are dogs on the I-net ... which translated means that I really don't know who anyone else is or how truthful they are, and vice-versa! I could be a 10 year old kid in Wenatchee with a Chihuahua.
2. What would I like to achieve over the next year: Get the Bunny Lady more involved here - she has been busy with her own project lately. Share lots about our life with our bunnies.
3. What I wish to learn more about: Mostly how to post words and show pix that are concise but convey much.
4. How could I be more productive: Stockpile some pictures - spend a couple of days and set up a variety of photoshoots.
5. Blogging tips I've found most useful: Use pictures (hopefully of bunnys!). Blog often. Recognize others.
A thought about the Petsmart plan to stop selling bunnies. One big quandry we have had here at "The House Of ..." is how to get rabbits that will sit on your lap and enjoy being held. The best way is to get them when they are little and hold them lots. Besides, a little bunny is so neat to have and watch grow up. Where to get a little bunny? The Rescue Centers and Humane Society facilities rarely have them. Some of our residents are "reject" babys from showrabbit breeder friends. What's the alternative?