Friday, November 30, 2012


KB won the bunny-for-the-weekend vote.  So here he is.

BL culinary delight is this biscuit bread with delicious chili.

And I foraged some last-of-the-year blossoms struggling in the yard.  A pretty little collage.
Rain and gloom - it's that time of year here.  At least we are north of the big rain and snow in Oregon and N. California!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


That's how Racer rattles the ball of his water bottle - and at least three times in the middle of the night.  Practically shakes the whole place."  -  RG the Amnesic Counter.
"Still time to make a request for who/what goes up as a picture/topic on this weekend!"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


... Kill this thing."  -  Zoey the Meek.
"How about a vote.  Who shall we feature for the weekend?"  -  RG the Bookie.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"SAY, WINNIE, ....

I reckon I could use one of those Pampas Grass fronds for a bro ... er ... feather duster.  Yes.  That's it.  A feather duster.  (Don't look at me like that Winston.") - RG the Nervous.
"I heard Gene Autry singing Santy Claus is Coming to Town" today.  All is well in this Holiday Season!"  -  RG the Ancient.

Monday, November 26, 2012


"That would be me." - Chico the Amorous.

"I FINALLY got some pretty fronds on the pampas grass - after several years!  Hopefully they will last through the winter."  -  Gardner RG.
(PS.  See the snow on the tip of Mt. Baker back there.  It got a LOT so far and it is early yet.)

Sunday, November 25, 2012


... and snuggled!"  -   Racer the Content.
"Racer is preparing his little boat in case he needs to head to help the rain-swamped friends in the UK.  (And - I have no idea about the color of that eye or who polished his nose.)  -  RG the "Helpful".

Friday, November 23, 2012


... what the hey. Have a Whole Weekend of Benji!" 
"See you all Monday"  -  RG the Stuffed.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


... for cozy."  -  Benji Snuggled
"Thankful for Benji - and the whole House of Rabbits." - RG the er ... hungry?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


... Hop on over to Raspberry Rabbits for a great Holiday Sale for peeps who use yarn and such!"  -  RG the Hawker.

"This is NOT one of your smarter moves RG."  -  The Princess who Knows These Things.

"I know, I know.  I'll probably be sued by Valdani and thrown under the Raspberry Bus but at least I tried.  Plus - look out the back yard.  Nice weather finally!"  -  RG the Positive.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Are you being sucked in yet?"  -  RG the Astrophysicist

Sunday, November 18, 2012


... possibly see in this little twerp?"  -  RG the Jealous.


Friday, November 16, 2012


... and that is the Black and the White of it!"  -  Zoey and Winston at Large.
"Indeed it is fellers - and such a cute pair you make there - I am totally out of bunny pictures so I shall work on that over the long, wet, blustery weekend - and the company coming for a bit can help!"  -  RG the Photog.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


"Did I hear a treat bag rustle?"  -  Chico the Alert.

"Big rains coming to the Pacific NW this weekend and into next week.  Kind of an annual event this time of year.  We'll hunker down and be sure Racer has his ship seaworthy and stocked." - RG the Weatherguy 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


... slept until past dark in the LA-Z-BOY.  So he did not go outside in the afternoon.  He'll be walking on the bed at 3:00AM.  Doopit cat.  Weird."  -  RG the Miffed.

"He should be crepuscular, like me!  Oh, and cute too, like me.  (And good natured and sweet, and easy going, and smart, and better organized and all that good stuff"  -  Princess the Perfect.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


... your recognition, kind words and thoughts, and caring have been so helpful.  We are doing OK and giving Benji plenty of special treatment too!"  -  House of Rabbits
"Even more special treatment will be good here ..."  - Benji the ...?

Sunday, November 11, 2012


We had to help Goldie into the Bunny-beyond on Friday afternoon.  Goldie has had cataracts for quite awhile and has been fully blind for a few weeks, although for the most part she knew her way around her living areas and Benji.  But in the past few days she began to be listless, not eat much, and lost control of her bodily functions.  It was very hard and sad to just keep her clean and comfortable.  In the long run it is for the very best, for now just incredibly sad and empty. 

We got Goldie and her brother Bluie, as babies, 8 1/2 years and more ago.  American fuzzy lops.  Bluie had a congenital issue, and though we gave him almost daily anti-biotic shots and periodic hydration treatments, he lived well for several years. 

There will never be another Goldie.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


... 1576 posts, 124 followers, and untold numbers of comments.  Guess we'll keep going awhile."  -  RG the Amazed.
"And I have been part of it the whole time."  -  Princess in Charge.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


.."You hop Benji, I'm busy." - Goldi - Nomming.

"The guy came about 10 days ago and "harvested" the hops - I was gone and missed it.  These pix show what is left now, just a hunk that hung up on the roof - and now all way too dry.  He cut down the vines and then mostly cut off the sprigs with those flower-like things - they were still a bit green and very fluffy.  It's those that go into beer making.  Said he got enough for quite a few "batches" of beer, what ever that means.  Still waiting for a sample!"  -  RG the Remiss 'Splainer.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


... KB was way out in the neighbor's pasture when I opened the door and said "Kitty Boy".  I think he expects food!  That boy can move."  -  RG the Cat Whisperer.

"I suspect that this is the last of the nasturtiums from outside.  Our days are pretty short now up here at 48.5 degrees N. Latitude!   They hung on for a loooong time!"  -  RG the Forager.

"And I picked the last apple tree today - Melrose - great for pie - which I made!  Thank you Dough Boy for the crusts!  (If you are keeping score it was Peach, Blue Berry, and Black Berry before this one!)"  -  Chef RG-Ardee.

Monday, November 5, 2012

"HI! I'M BENJI! ...

... I like hay and Goldie and I'm ubber-cute."  -  Benji
"I think I got that .."  -  RG

Sunday, November 4, 2012


"But not these fellas.  They are just tuned in for the opening of the Oats box.."

"Ever see taters picked?  The lead tractor slowly pulls that orange digger.  It moves the taters up conveyor belts and shakes off much of the dirt and gives them a bit of a rinse. Then it dumps them into the truck.  The truck is being pulled by the other tractor because the field is so muddy.  These are either delightful reds or else Yukon Golds.  They get stored in climate controlled warehouses and are bagged and sold all over the world for many months."  -  RG the InFarmationer!  (PS - remind me to tell you about my idea for a robot blueberry picker!  I'm gonna be rich and famous!)

Friday, November 2, 2012


... You get it out.  NOW!" - Racer the Destructo-Bunn!
"See you all Monday, I have some work to do.  Fortunately I get an extra hour here in the US of A." - RG the Help.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


"Uh - BL!  There is supposed to be something in it?"  -  Benji the Cute.
("I think he already ate it.  -  RG the Tattle-Tale.)