Tuesday, July 31, 2012


.... tell them I'm not here."  -  Benji the Sly

"No she didn't throw me out.  She cleaned a closet!"  -  RG the Improving

Monday, July 30, 2012


"BL harvests only the BEST wild clover.
She hand prunes away the old parts!

Why? I don't even LIKE clover!"  -  KB the Handsome

Sunday, July 29, 2012


A black hole developing in Racer's galaxy.

Pretty pale-yellow hollyhocks in the garden.
"I tripped on some uneven sidewalk in a foot race on Saturday and did quite a number on hands, elbows, hip and right shoulder.  I did arise and continue on to win my age group (the other guy was really slow!) before getting medical assistance.  But, I am a bit on injured reserve as far as heavy lifting - for a few days - so that is why the cryptic remarks.  NO - the bunnys are not being abused.  In fact they are spoiled rotten - just go ahead and ask them.  Well - OK - maybe not that but ....."  -  RG the Hurting

Friday, July 27, 2012


... Winston likes Zoey!  I'm telling Chico!  I'm telling Chico!"  -  RG the Trubble-maker.

Squash blossom!  Pretty!  Too bad no squash yet.  I can't even get a zucchini to come on there.
"Geez RG - you can buy them for 25 cents.  Folks give them away.  Try more exotic stuff."  -  Zoey the Critic.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


"I could have told you that - if I had been asked"  -  Chico the Expert
"It is her tail - I checked after taking the picture.  I have no idea how she was laying in that box - but she scrambled up when I peeked under the blanket!  Nice work everybody!" 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


What and Who?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


... the tide must be out.  The Old Crow Traveler is bottomed out.  Hey Benji - you got water over there?"  "Nary a drop Racer.  I think it might be November now before we float again."

The Super BL climbing rose with some daisys.

Monday, July 23, 2012


... Goldie!
Beautiful Goldie with our beautiful King RG lilies that friends brought us from The Netherlands several years ago.

"Harvested the garlic yesterday - almost 130 bulbs I bet!  Susanville and Red Inchelium - very hard to tell apart. Both "soft neck" so they are easy to braid and they store well.  I have them hanging up to dry for about 6 weeks - then braid."  -  RG the Stinky!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


...  here's my best!"  -  Benji the Handsome

"Here is the hops on July 21.  It has gone up and slid back a lot - quite a thick bunch.  I can't remember when it flowers and don't know when/how to harvest.  A neighborly beer-maker is going to do that." - RG the Observer

Friday, July 20, 2012


... I'll give ya the full frontal on Monday!" - Benji the Coy

"And here is MY treat for BL since so many said I owe her.  I also dug up three nice Yukon Gold potatos from the garden to bake along with the bird, and we had fresh garden peas too.  It was pretty good - hers are better - but not bad for an old dog!"  -  RG the Chefy

Thursday, July 19, 2012


... Slow down, RG.  Relax.  You are jiggling the camera.  Yes - I DO like the new hay.  It is fine - all is well.  Chill."  -  The Princess at Peace
"I admit.  I was SO excited that she liked it.  It is the first cut of this year and the old stuff was getting awful dry and stiff."  -  RG the Anxious.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


.... His and Hers!  Matching at that!  The Bunny Fairy is looking over us after all." - Zoey and Chico
"Bunny Fairy?  Excuse me?"  -  RG the Slighted and Unrecognized

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"Benji has a sensitive internal system and can't eat salads at night anymore - he becomes a horrid poopy, sloppy, dirty mess.  So when Goldie has hers, Benji gets this royal treatment in the lap of BL.  A real sweet snuggle-bunn!   
And I got this "apology" cake - lemon with creamy lemon frosting - from BL as an apology for sort of screwing up the last lemony things she tried for me.  Yummm.  BL is really racking up the score!"  -  RG the Content.

Monday, July 16, 2012


- He ain't goin' nowhere, and he's losing his hair.  Tra La La."  (Paraphrased from an old country song I like - Night Rider's Lament.)
Poor guy is molting - looks like a skunk on sideways.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Me?  More like High Purr!  Bawahahahahaha ..."  -  KittyBoy the Cute.

"Today was the first day of recreational crab fishing here.  We went with a friend and got our limits - all of these (boiled for 20 minutes) are well beyond legal size, the one is a whopper!  Had one of BL's fantastic Crab Louis' for dinner!" - RG the Stuffed.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


It almost never happens here - but there was quite a lightning and thunder storm Friday evening for several hours.  As a precaution we shut down and unplugged!  (The bunns seemed all nonchalant, while Kitty Boy was pretty hyper.)  Anyway, it took awhile to get up and running this Saturday morning, and here we are!
"How do you like the Carnival-ride so far, Zoey?"  "When does it go up and down and round and round?  All I see is your Butt."

Thursday, July 12, 2012


... I luvs me some BL!"  -  Winston the Forgiving.

Living on the Farm!  Our neighbor up there on the hill keeps these in the field next to us.  I don't think he is running a cattle-rescue operation. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


"Who?  Us?"  "Yup, You."

BL mowing the "back-40"!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


...  Yur Hoggin'.  RG!  RG!  Zoey won't share."  -  Chico the Starving.
"Oh no you don't.  I'm not THAT dumb."  -  RG the Careful.

Monday, July 9, 2012

"HE'S TRAINED! .....

..... I wonder how long it will stick?"  -  Princess the Doubtful.
"Not long."  -  RG the Forgetful.

(Garlic - plant the cloves in mid November, pull up the tops and bulbs in mid-July.  Dry well until early September!  Get on the I-net for good sources to buy seed garlic and details for how to plant and tend it.)

Sunday, July 8, 2012


... besides this, they cut my nails.  I should sue."  -  Winston the P.O.'d

"Here is the bed of garlic, about to be harvested.  Confused?  Yup - a WHOLE lot of volunteer poppies got in there.  I couldn't bring myself to pull them up.  I hope the garlic grew well."  -  RG the soft-hearted Farmer.

Friday, July 6, 2012


... where shall I start - or maybe save some for the weekend."  -  Chico the Thoughtful.
"There is plenty more where that came from Cheeks.  Dig in!  Everybody in the awful heat, hang in there - relief is on the way.  And we are going to heat up out here in the little sliver of cool along the NW Coast of the US of A." - RG the Helpful.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


... than it is.  It is not a horrific crime scene.  It is a flopped Goldie and a bit of peeee stain.  I am an innocent man."  -  RG the Exonerated. 

Here are the hops on July 5.  You can see how they go up, get heavy, slide down a bit, rinse, repeat!.

(To answer a couple of questions:  Yes, we can see a bit of the highest firework displays, but not at all like being there.  Chico and Zoey are a bit chunky!  But I don't know what they weigh and you can just go ahead and ask Zoey - I'm not a'goin' to.)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


... now to cut a hole in the box and tip "This side down" right down over us and we won't hear the god-awful fireworks around here tonight!" - Chico and Zoey the Unpatriotic!
"We live right about square in-between four smallish towns and two casinos and a motor-speedway, all of which seem to need to try to outdo the others on 4th of July demonstrations.  We all are happy for the 5th to come!  We will survive." - RG the Noise-challenged.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


.... you like?"  -  Benji the Sharp."BL is home and helping out again.  I think I did OK." - RG the Marginal.

Monday, July 2, 2012


... the food is.  It's good to be back.  RG makes a good salad."  - Racer.
"I just follow instructions Racer."  -  RG.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


"He didn't make it.  Racer got nabbed and put back "in his place."  Nice try though.  I myself find Myself in MY PLACE ... the Royal Throne with the spotlight of fame about upon me!  Bow and scrape all."  -  The Princess.  "Yuppers, she is in charge.  BL is off across the mountains for a short vacation and chaos reigns.  I'm doing my best."  -  RG the Challenged.

("By the way, one of the blogs we follow, Dandy's Journal, publishes a monthly Newsletter.  This month there is a fine short story written "by Zoey" about Zoey - Here.")