... now to cut a hole in the box and tip "This side down" right down over us and we won't hear the god-awful fireworks around here tonight!" - Chico and Zoey the Unpatriotic!

"We live right about square in-between four smallish towns and two casinos and a motor-speedway, all of which seem to need to try to outdo the others on 4th of July demonstrations. We all are happy for the 5th to come! We will survive." - RG the Noise-challenged.
Can you see all the fireworks or just hear them? That would be quite the sight if you could see them :) I'm personally a big fireworks fan. We watched them on TV today, though, because I'm not a fan of sitting outside for hours to stake out a spot and then fighting the crowds to leave. Happy fourth!
I don't like fireworks either, where we live we have a partial (and quieter) view of the big Hogmanay (New years eve) fireworks display at Edinburgh Castle. That's enough for me!
Thanks for your comments on my blog, I've heard of the orcas in your area, must be amazing to see. Plus your naturalist training even sounds interesting.
Oh and Zoey and Chico look lovely as ever!
Don't worry Zoey and Chico and the other HOR buns it will be over soon and in the mean time come and look at my little party its just right for buns and other furry creatures.lol Speedy!
this is occasion for an oxbow cookie
My rabbits do not seem to be rattled by anything ... the fireworks were booming late into the night. The dogs barked a few times but the bunns all had hind legs extended in the relaxed bun flop mode ... no worries in those furballs' minds. Thankfully. I worry about them being scared every year. They stomp for lightening and thunder, but not for fireworks. It's never a very restful evening on the 4th. I never have liked to go brave the crowds. There is always a good view of some display from my front yard. Do not see the need to be on the road with the drunks.
Glad your bunnies are safe! They sure are adorable!
My bunns were content as well. The dogs were barking up a storm. The fireworks here sounded like hammers on the wall, which sound like someone knocking, so of course the world was coming to an end in doggie-think...
But it's over now, Cheekers and Z. So cute. How do they weigh, RG? About 2 pounds soaking wet? My Mean Girl weighs almost two pounds.
Zoey and Chico are not unpatriotic! They are entitled to their opinions. This is still America, right?
Our buns were stomping away, giving the alarm! They can't stand fireworks, and didn't like them in Europe, either, so it's not being unpatriotic, it's just being sensitive and alert to danger!
-M in Florida
We are lucky to live in a rural area where fireworks are rarely close enough to be a problem. Even when they have been near enough to boom, though, Mr. Mick is unfazed--probably because he hears the boy playing video games that involve gunfire and explosions almost every night and is used to lots of that kind of noise.
Two first class tickets coming your way my fuzzy ones. Auntie Shell will give you first class accommodations and the Bunnyville resort. No noise except for Uncle David and his TV.
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