... the tide must be out. The Old Crow Traveler is bottomed out. Hey Benji - you got water over there?" "Nary a drop Racer. I think it might be November now before we float again."

The Super BL climbing rose with some daisys.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Oh I LOVE daisies!
Racer, you should try hang gliding for days when water is scarce.
Or put wheels on those boxes like Weasley!
The daisies are so pretty along side the pink color!
I know we are supposed to stop and smell the flowers (extraordinarily beautiful as always), but those bunns need portage so heave ho, everybody. We have bunny boats to float! Those guys are looking for adventure on the high seas. I suppose someone knows which way the high seas are?
How about Kite surfing?
Lol! When I read "...I'm Grounded," I thought maybe RG had done something to get himself into trouble.
Me? Trubble?
Awwwwww, poor Racer; run aground with no sign of rescue.
I have this vision in my mind of bunnies floating in their little plastic boats on the high seas...
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