"He didn't make it. Racer got nabbed and put back "in his place." Nice try though. I myself find Myself in MY PLACE ... the Royal Throne with the spotlight of fame about upon me! Bow and scrape all." - The Princess.
"Yuppers, she is in charge. BL is off across the mountains for a short vacation and chaos reigns. I'm doing my best." - RG the Challenged.

("By the way, one of the blogs we follow, Dandy's Journal, publishes a monthly Newsletter. This month there is a fine short story written "by Zoey" about Zoey - Here.")
Sounds like a happy ending for all..well, all except Racer (poor Racer, foiled again!) I'm sure The Princess will make sure all runs smoothly until BL returns.
Miss Zoey's story was lovely indeed--and to think you weren't interested in taking her in, RG! Good thing BL knows better. :)
Ditto to what Jade said.
Yes, yes. Women are smarter than men and Zoey is proof...
What a sweet story. Did BL ever find out who tapped her shoulder at the party?
I bet it was an angel. Or St. Francis. Or St. Melangel. Definately divine intervention. I love stories like this.
Oh, my! I do not believe I have ever seen the Princess' "ottery" little nose! And, I haven't seen her look this stern before. Boy, Racer, you are in such trouble! If I were you, I'd just hang low and out of sight for a while, there, little cutie! She might bite that cute little white nose of yours if you try anything out of line!
what a lovely story about Zoey.
Speedy here,"don't worry Racer I'll come get you in the magic closet and we can go on a great adventure,how about that Racer?"
Princess look gorgeous as usual and what a happy ending for Zoey (and Cheeks)
I am so glad Zoey and Chico have you to give them a happily ever after ending to their rough start in life and I would very much like to give the stoppid hoomins who tossed those two babies out into the world alone a piece of my mind and ... well, I won't say what I want to do to them, but it's not pleasant!
I told y'all on DR how I felt about people who eat rabbit...Ok, maybe that was a BIT harsh...However, for every rabbit in a shelter, rescue, out on the streets, or hutched up outside in the elements, unloved, uncared for, neglected, abused, mistreated, starved, forgotten and just plain cooped up, for every one of those rabbits there is at least one human (sometimes more) that should get the snot kicked out of them by a psychotic mule with a hatred for the hooooomin race.
Or horsewhipped. Either way...I'm flexible.
I must say, Brandi B, I am proud of you for taking "the high road." What you propose is certainly mild compared to many of my own fantasies. But when I have a firmer grip on myself, I know that many people do live to regret their cruelty. I know there are people who are so beaten down that they no longer care for any being, not even themselves. I know that as they heal they will mend their relationship with all creation. In the meantime, let us have them in our prayers. Actually, I know you already do.
I love Zoey's story, she's quite the bunny!
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