... than it is. It is not a horrific crime scene. It is a flopped Goldie and a bit of peeee stain. I am an innocent man." - RG the Exonerated. 

Here are the hops on July 5. You can see how they go up, get heavy, slide down a bit, rinse, repeat!.
(To answer a couple of questions: Yes, we can see a bit of the highest firework displays, but not at all like being there. Chico and Zoey are a bit chunky! But I don't know what they weigh and you can just go ahead and ask Zoey - I'm not a'goin' to.)
The hops are beautiful. I hope this is a cash crop. Goldie's flooring needs to be replaced with something nice and soft, tribal maybe, yes, yes, Turkoman, I think.
I love a flopped bunny,the hops are looking good RG,And yes the Floor could do with an update but it will do for now although I don't think Princess would put up with it
The floors are fine! My bunnies move their blankies around, out of the way, to flop on the tile. They like the coolness, I believe. Bunnies carry their own softness around and even, if they have "magnificent dewlaps," have napping pillows with them all the time!
I love that picture, though! I think we all walk upon a bunny crime scene from time to time and it takes our breath away ... then, we get the look from our bunnies once we rush over and startle them out of their sleep ... like ... "what the heck, mom/dad??? I was sound asleep!"
Everything grows so nicely there! The grasshoppers ate my landscaping ... completely. The Hubby says, "it's fine ... it'll come back" ... it's sticks ... nothing left... He is dreadfully optimistic ...
All the green looks wonderful and I wont ask Zoey a darn thing, except what she wants for dinner.
Hops are interesting... I never would have guessed they grew like that. I would have thought they were like oats or wheat. Thanks for sharing!
No, RG. I did not mean to imply that they were chunky. LOL. I meant that they are so floofy, all that floof and stoof must be half their body weight. Funny how you went right on the defensive....hmmmm....My lionhead girl is a teensy bit of a thing. But she looks bigger because of her floof. My jersey wooley is a biggun. He isn't named Fatty for nuthing.
Don't feel bad about the pee stain. You folks would call Bunny Welfare on me if you could see the hot mess the bunny pen is right now!!
I am pretty sure we all get a little behind on the bunny cleaning... who wouldn't? This morning, I ran out of greens, so the bunns had to have oats ... again ... for breakfast. They had oats and pellets and hay for dinner. You would have thought I did something horrible to them with all the stomping and tearing pieces off their boxes and throwing toys around ... I can only imagine what a peed up, torn up, hay covered, mess I will come home to tonight. And, they'll sit there and watch with those disapproving glares while I clean it all up and feed them double salad tonight... They look at me like, "that's right ... you clean that up nice and fast!" But I wuuuuv dem so mooooch!
"Chunky" is not all that bad. I have Mr. Portly Bunny Yogi now. Trying my best to slim him down a bit, but I think it's going to take time. I remember when all my buns were chunky, but I did eventually manage to get them back to looking more like rabbits than loafs of bread.
And no way I am going to ask Zoey about that.
My bunns are fat and happy! I love their little round bellies. Hee hee! I need to get them out and chase them around the house more ... they got lazy ... there are only about three months out of the year that a bunny can be outside in Texas ... otherwise it's 110 or 12 degrees...
6Bs, you are so right! I forgot about the blankies they carry around with them and I too was realty surprised to see how the hops grew. Thanks to everyone who works so hard because they "wuuuuuv" bunns. And, RG, for Heaven's sake don't ask Zoey anything. You provide valuable services to the community. You may be an innocent man, but we have ample evidence here that she can frame you.
Just a little more bunneh to love, that's all. Besides, they're not fat, they're fluffy!
Indeed...not fat fluffy, and fuzzy and I'M GONNA DIE!
What is that pee stain? Was somebunny a bit miffed?
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