... Slow down, RG. Relax. You are jiggling the camera. Yes - I DO like the new hay. It is fine - all is well. Chill." - The Princess at Peace

"I admit. I was SO excited that she liked it. It is the first cut of this year and the old stuff was getting awful dry and stiff." - RG the Anxious.
Such royal composure! Wow, a new hay crop and it passed!
oh RG you worry to much,believe me if it was substandard Princess would soon tell you
You grow your own hay? Too cool. I just gave my bunns oat hay for the first time and they loved it. Of course, they love oats too.
good to get the hay just right, they can be fussy can those bunnies....
Oh gosh no - we do not grow our own hay. But it is grown all around here and has been late getting just right for cutting because of our cool, wet spring and early summer. Now the fields are dotted with the big white marshmallows, which is how the cattle grazers and dairy farmers now "bale" their hay. Others still do the conventional bales for horse and small animal feeders,
Well, Princess, is pleased, and that is what counts, but I was really beginning to think you all did everything. What a relief to know you do everything except grow hay.
Love a Happy Princess! Good hay is important!
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