That's how Racer rattles the ball of his water bottle - and at least three times in the middle of the night. Practically shakes the whole place." - RG the Amnesic Counter.

"Still time to make a request for who/what goes up as a picture/topic on this weekend!"
Winston! No, Racer! Er, I mean Chico! Wait...Zoey!
RG, it is very kind of you to make us this offer. As you can tell, we will all have some soul searching to do. No one wants to hurt a little bunns feelings. I'd like a group photo or if that is absolutely not feasible, how about telling the little bunns they get the weekend off and feature the kitty. I'm sure the bunns would like a little time out of the limelight, a little time to relax after all the company, some Christmas shopping to do, cards to send and all that, and a nice picture of KB napping would just be so soothing. I need a kitty to purr me through the rest of this flu. It will be time for Racer's version of jingle bells a little later. You know you could spring for a nice water bowl. Good luck with the selection process! One thing I know for sure - we will not be disappointed!
KB and some christmas decorations Please RG!
Auntie jane please continue to get better,xx and snuggles from Speedy
And *this* is why I'm glad Gus and Betsy drink out of a bowl. :-)
KB. Nice and restful.My bunnies broke their water bottle and now have two crocks to drink out of. But Minnie picks up one her bowls and upends it in water. She obviously does not know those are expensive pellets....or she does know...
She knows...she knows...
Bunny sounds... I love 'em. Now that the buns are not in my room I miss the munching sounds they make while eating hay at night. It was very soothing to me...
My rabbits throw everyting they can lift into or on top of their water bowls ... I know they are trying to tell me something or just just play a game or demonstrate their dissapointment in me somehow ... but I have yet to figure out exactly what it is. I have one rabbit who pees in every bowl. I have no idea how he gets his bottom on the bowls ... Frustrating ... His wife bun is also at wits end, as she likes to drink from a crock but only probably gets one drink before he pees in it ... crazy boy!
Racer is such a character! He probably likes his noise! :)
Racer hasn't gotten too much face time! Let's have a Racer weekend!
These poor little bunns clearly want toilets.
When Bunya was solo, he had a bottle. Now, the threesome share a bowl (crock) from the GHRS Hop Shop. Actually easier to maintain. (If your bun does not use as toilet, as noted in prior comment.)
RG...I can't believe you counted that. Hilarious!
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