Thursday, January 31, 2013


"Chico sure has it made."  -  RG the Awed.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


"Bunny?  What bunny?" - KB.

"ZZZzzzzzzzzzz"  -  RG the Bored.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Here's my nosie!  (Calm down, calm down.  I'm not going anywhere.)"  -  Racer the Mobbed

Monday, January 28, 2013


"If I open the gate for a clear picture he'll tuck them under and be shy."  -  RG the Accommodater.
Sure was a lot of chatter about the "Pee on the floor" problem.  Thanks for the ideas.  I did not see one that was claimed to work; mostly ideas, failed trys, and activity resigned to as the lesser of several evils.  I'll report progress if/when there is any.  So far?  No.  Just less floor to mop up. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013


... Chico.  There seems to be less room and a fence.  What the Hey?"  -  Zoey the Curious.   "mrble, chew, slurp, crunch, say shu what?"  -  Chico the Oater.

"We cut down on these guy's space for awhile.  They spread hay all over and pee on the floor.  Yuk.  Maybe less floor space and more litter area will help.'  -  RG the Desperate.

Friday, January 25, 2013


- Cozy BL.  What a life!"  -  KB the Pampered.
"You will need to click this picture bigger.  These are Snow Geese and they fly back and forth by the thousands - from fields to the bay and back again. Here are about 125, part of a much bigger skein.  Beautiful against the sky.  They will leave in March for Wrangall Island."  -  RG Audubon

Thursday, January 24, 2013


... and that is it.  My forebearers must not have been noblebunns of Spain." - Chico the Serf. 
"Oh Chico, my Chico.  Your name and fame and good standing are celebrated far and wide.  You are as noble as you need be.  (Besides, if you are a serf, what does that make me?)" - RG the Upbeat.
This fellow came and sat in the near tree awhile back.  "Move along, move right along.  Nothing here for you."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


... rattling sticks in the wires is so joyful.  Especially in the dark, dark hours.  I do it a lot."  -  Benji the Joyous.
"You'ld think the help would ... oh never mind."  RG the Enabler

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"UH. RG? BL? ...

... You all aren't planning some warm-place trip anytime soon are you?"  -  The Princess, Trip Advisor.
"No worries dearie.  We shudder to fly and it's too far to drive and anyway we love you all WAY to much to leave you with temporary care."  -  RG the 'Splainer.
"Boat Drinks" - Jimmy Buffett.  Dorrie got it!  Not sure where Dorrie lives but it is cold there.  Lots of my family live in Michigan near Lake Michigan.  Here are the piers and lighthouses at Muskegon, on Lake Michigan, this morning.  Doesn't that look like fun?
(PS - Quidittch.  Famous game in the Harry Potter series!  I'm not just ALL old snippets of info.) 

Monday, January 21, 2013


"I bet I would be good at it!" - RG the Athletic
Desperado by the Eagles!  Here is the view out front - about 10 days of this - 32degrees or so.  Reminds me of a tune!  "... I shot six holes in my freezer ..."  -  no Google now.  What is the song, and by whom?
"I'm not listening to this and I don't plan to listen anymore until he quits whining and gives me some pettin'"  -  Zoey in charge.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


... I think you lost your shirt and the kitchen sink on this football game contest you got into." - Winston the Observant.

"No doubt about it Winnie.  No doubt about it.  42 of the 47 players did better than me.  Good thing it only cost me $7" - RG the Numbwit.

Hey!  Name that tune!  It has been several days of a frosty fog for us.  Reminds me of some words to a song - "The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine." - No Googling - what is the song and who sang it?

Friday, January 18, 2013


...  Yesterday by dark we looked high and low for KB.  We were 99% sure he was not outside but he was in none of the 8 or 10 places where he usually hangs out.  Finally about 7pm a teeny "Meew".  Weird."  -  RG the Conflabulated.
"Well those women were playing Bridge and making too much noise and I just hid awhile.  That's all.  So maybe I fell asleep.  What's the big deal?"  -   KB the Nonchalant.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


... er, Rabbit House.  I was awful messy today.  (But I got a nice clean carpet out of the deal!)"  -  Racer who sees nothing but the Brightness.
"Pretty hard to be upset with this little fella for long." -  RG the forgiving.
(Besides, it was BL who had to do the cleaning.)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


.... Why can't I hear the treat bag opening?" - Tuned in Princess.
"Coming oh precious one." .... scuttle, scuttle

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


...  of the cake than the customer does - well then it must be exceptionally good!  There is a link on the right under Websites - Apple Cake."  -  The Customer.

"Yea?  Well I am going to continue rattling this meagre stick against the wires until I get something similar - or better.  LOTS better.  I like apples."  -  Benji the Miffed.

Monday, January 14, 2013


...  I'm sending Kitty Boy to scare him off."  -  Chico with a Plan.

(There is Racer back there, getting some BL pettin'!)

Sunday, January 13, 2013


 "I was over by the river helping a friend who was kayaking down it.  The road was blocked by cars.  Here's why.  Who says they don't flock?"  -  RG the Astounded.
"As long as you keep the apple sticks coming and the big bad birds away you can stay RG."  -  Zoey the Stern.

Friday, January 11, 2013


 ... I don't really WANT to go outside right now.  Too cold."  -  Kitty Boy the Wussy Pussy.
"But look here, KB.  The little primroses can take it!"  -  RG the Amused.

(Late night meeting tonight.  Early post!  See you Sunday night)

Thursday, January 10, 2013


 ... No Cigar - er, Snow.  Keep it up in those hills and Mt. Baker where it belongs."  -  RG the Relieved.  (Lots of logging goes on up there - see the clear cuts?  Ugly but they grow back quite quickly.)

"I'm on the inside of the door - good, but I don't find any treats - bad."  -  The Princess - the Judge.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


"We're good."

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


 ... to Speedy's Magic Closet?  I want to go where it is warm and sunny."  -  Winnie with Itchy Feet.

 A clever photo of bufflehead ducks on the Joe Leary Slough.

"My new winter hat!  Crocheted by BL!  (Pom pom by moi!)  Sweet.  Yes?"  -  RG the Pampered.

Monday, January 7, 2013


"Thanks for the froggy tips.  But crickets?  He is just a teeny weeny tree frog.  I dropped two dead flies and a dead spider in there.  I don't know if he ate them.  He may have to be on his own ... there are many plants around him and hopefully some bugs and stuff in there.  We water him in that little tea-candle holder every other day!  Sometimes he sits in it, sometimes he disappears."  -  RG the Stretched-Thin!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


 "Well, I do like hay!  PS, BL thinks I am SO clever to hop up on this tub and into the hay!  I certainly am that!"  -  Benji the Best by BL!
(PS - I am using Firefox.  It better get easier or else ....)

Friday, January 4, 2013


"It's an old picture but the same sentiment.  Wake me Monday morning."  -  KB Content.

"I've simply GOT to look into this Firefox thing."  -  RG the Tech-challenged.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


... but I can't show you my latest picture because Blogger is not allowing it.  Here I am at 8 weeks old.  Now I am 11 years and still going strong.  Can you guess who I am?"  -  The Mystery Guest who had big ears.
"We recently got some nice blog awards from Rabbit Ramblings and Chocolate Bunny (Duchess).  Thank you both for thinking of us!  There are right now quite a few awards going around so we will just keep these for ourselves rather than pass them out to several of you.  Maybe we will feel generous later?"  -  RG the Lazy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


"The book is of very old Chinese wisdom from Lao Tzu - maybe from around 500BC - and is highly revered by many.  I do not mean to make light of it.  Not at all.  But it is a conflicting bunch of wisdom to try to understand.  I found this in Chapter 3 of the translation I have.  Lao Tzu may have had a rabbit in his pocket.  Ursula Le Guin is sometimes considered an anarchist, which also suggests a pact with a rabbit!  Racer's doppelganger was knitted a while back as a gift from RoadBunner and her bunny Mario"  -  RG the Student.

"Keep searching and studying RG.  You have a LONG way to go.  A VERY long way.  But, you are on the Right Path."  -  Chico who Knows These Things.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


... as I pondered, less than cheery - over an ancient, old book of hopefully SOME useful advice for dealing with pet bunnies.
There came a tapping.  A rap, tap, tapping on Racer's floor." - RG the Curious.

"It's ME.  With my knitted doppelganger.  Chewing a delightful apple stick - and Nothing More."  -  Quoth Racer the Dark.