Benji is that cute Holland Lop bonded with Goldie the brassy redheaded American Fuzzy Lop, who is currently having real bad hair days! Lucky Benji to have shorter fur! He is a classic carefree bunny, always happy, even though he seems to frown! We love our Benji Boy.
If you are a western bunny you must be heading for Archi Ann's party, while eastern types are heading to Nips-N-Cuddles' place for New Years with Sammy. I do hope the "owners" are ready for the arrivals. Something tells me that the bunnies did not all clear their invites and plans first!!! (If you did not get invited ... oh dear. Maybe next year .. or .. just crash, I'm sure you'll be welcome.)
Some wondered if Zoey is all fluff .. yes she is quite a puffy headed girl with a great hair-doo, but her body fur is quite short. She's our Zoey, Zoey!