Yes, The Princess got a new box ... quite classy too! The other one seemed small and once she was in there, we could not get her out. This one has a top that folds back for ready bunny accessing!!!
And, it is has caused much consternation! Chewing, chinning, moving, looking askance, and all those type bunny actions that go on when things change! When she came out into the big room to have an afternoon romp, she did not want to go back into her area ... she saw that box and was pretty concerned! It took some fancy footwork and coaxing and herding by the two of us to get her in! Then she pouted and scowled and would not eat her fresh oats until she was sure we were fully aware of her difficult and sensitive situation! I think she is almost back to accepting again ... hope so!
She should be pleased, not upset. Black Opal is a nice vineyard-- good wines, but not so well known that the prices are outrageous.
"Oh, Princess--you are like fine boxed wine"....from Elvis, who knows a babe when he sees one, he says. He likes his women difficult because it shows spirit and sass.
Oh yes, this sounds familiar! Change is always bad:)
Anya was the same with her new boxes,
Princess is such a princess, and so discerning, though she looks very nice in her new box!
OMG Stanley's at The Bridge!!??? I am so SORRY to hear that! Please express my deepest condolences to everyone at your house. Stanley was a ttruely great bun!
Gee... am I the only dramatis persona in the bunny blogosphere with a rabbit who actually enjoys the curiosity and freshness of change? And how was the wine? Looks pretty darned tasty to me! A perfect hinding place for the MOST discerning rabbits!
Change is never good -- especially if you didn't consult the bunny first! Princess looks like she's doing a great job of making it her own, however!
buns are so set in their ways they seem to hate ANY change even if it's a good one!
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