About Benji and that box yesterday ... Benji and Goldie do like to go in the box and have one in their condo too, but neither are box chewers. Mainly Savannah is the box destructor! She really does make little ones out of big ones!
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Can't resist those faces, that's for sure!
Just like little puppies that want to be let in!
Great pic!
On the outside looking in! It's nice to sit in the fresh air and watch the silly hoomins in their how-sies!
DId they get to come in? Hippity hop, through the door.....
I hope they got some bananas when they came in!
They look like they know how to get what they want! Clever bunns!
That is amazing! Your rabbits will actually go outside and want to come back in when they are done.
I would not want to attempt this with ours. Lamenting, our rabbits, Larry and Curly have never touched grass.
This evening, I posted a video of our rabbits doing binkies on the living room carpet and playing with a ball. Click here to view my blog. Rabbit video on most recent post.
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