Bifteck Hache a la Lyonnaise ... or ... ground beef with onions and herbs ... or ... JuliaBurger!
(Actually the sauce is from the next page in the book - the Cream Sauce.)
Nice work - BL!

BLAAAAACHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ..................... (she even ruined the perfectly good broccoli)

Yummy, bunnies should be happy you are eating cow, not bunny. I know that is going to be very controversial....
Ooooooh, the ultimate in disapproval, the Bunny Butt O'Snub. You guys are so in trouble now. ;)
Oh, yum! That looks really good. Making me hungry, RG, even if the buns don't like it.
Ok, it was my idea to make these so where is my meal?
LOL: Julia Burger! Do not show the section in Julia's book on the OTHER other white meat to certain sensitive little buns. BL can come live here any day. Last night for dinner we had something frozen out of a box, and a nice salad. We wound up tossing the boxed thing and just eating the salad.
It's always very disappointing for the buns to find cooked broccoli. On the one hand it smells like good broccoli only even stronger, but it's all limp and not so yummy anymore. It's like teasing.
Can the pet sitter have the recipe?
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