I see why Lucky likes this place. It goes well with me, too. I hope BL is not watching. I don't think she trusts me like this. Having RG bunn-sit is fun if he wasn't so inept." - Chico
"Well, we do have fun. Anyway, BL will be home tomorrow in time for salads and plenty of snuggling and then all will be fine again. She is teen-age girl-sitting. She said they were having Baskin and Robbins for dinner" - RG

When BL's away, the Chico (et.al.) will play! Looks like everyone is coping well!
Ha ha, little bunny sideburns, I love it!
Awwww, Fab Furs stole my line...
Enjoy it while you can, Chico, 'cause it'll be back to normal soon!
Enjoy your lounging, Chico.
Yum! Baskin Robbins banana split for supper
yes very nicely colour co-ordinated there, Chico!
Anybunny can have an accident occassionally ... you need to have a talk with BL and see if she will reinstate you to the realm of trusted sofa loafing bunns.
I know ya'll will be glad when BL is back home.
I dont think I could eat both Baskins and Robbins. Just Baskins would fill me up.
My word verification was "eatedis"
How appropriate.
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