... OK, what about Winston? The Peeps - they are up to something. Up to something? How can you tell? I can SMELL it Luckster, I surely can. Really? What does IT smell like Winnie Poo Poo? Like OTHER rabbits! Whoa, Winnie - what can that mean? I don't know Luck. Keep those big ears open."
"Oh Oh - discovered. Our secret revealed tomorrow ..." - RG

Oh! Curiousity piqued! Can't wait till tomorrow...
GASPPPPPP either you have a new rabbit or ???????
Oooh - more rabbits, can't wait to find out more!
*gasp*! Dun-dun-DUNNNN!
*checks watch* Okay, it's tomorrow now! Spill those beans! :)
Wowee! Talk about a cliff hanger!
I cannot wait! I bet it's GOOOOD!
Bunn bunn bunn bunn bunn bunn bunn bunn bunn ...?
NO! You can't do this to us! How can you tease us like this and make us wait a whole extra day?!
Boyz, stay on guard.
Uh oh. Something's up.
Big secret!! I wanna know now!!
Boyz ... pppssssst ... get us some info!
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