"It's the year of the dragon and there be dragons here. A real one and this dandy picture! Dragons rock!" - RG the Dragon
"While I am on the subject of who is in charge here, many of you have seen the picture of our refrigerator door. Go over to Leeks if you haven't, but do come back. Now, below is what MY door would look like, if I was in charge. Perhaps you can better appreciate the uh, er, difficulties, here from time to time." - RG the Neat.
Next, at your own peril, try out this website to analyze blogs and websites for which gender the voice is!! Go ahead, but we already have done all of you - BaWaHaHaHahahaha ... (ooops. Sorry.)
"Gender, schmender - we are NOT talking to either one of you since you washed our butts and made them soggy. A pox on you both." - Zoey and Chico, the Cute

Aw kids we know the super fuzzy butts sometimes get dirty and need a wash, stinks but is needed for you frilly kids. (Whoosh understands your pain)
The Love Buns are precious to be sure. But, folks, can you even imagine living with THAT kind of rigid organization (as pictured on the reefer door in this post)?
Some of us thrive in chaos. BL (the Rooster)
Mr. Mick shares your pain, Zoey and Chico, as he got his fuzzy butt washed tonight as well.
As for you, RG, I got two words for ya: Anal. Retentive. (and I say those words with love, because I would do the same thing with my magnets if my left-brain would let me, but it won't.)
Dear, dear, soggy bunny parts! In your kind of weather? It does seem a bit extreme, but misery does seem to LOVE company, i.e., those bunnies are really so sweet together.
Awww, sometimes a good butt washing is in order;) RG..I did see your comment over at Christina's and thank you for your sympathies, it is SO hard! Perhaps my handsome Snickerdoodle is playing with your sweet Savannah at the bridge:)
I think you've got a Choey on your hands there - they seem to have melted into one. Very cute indeed.
In the words of Jade, regarding the picture with Chico and Zoey...*SQUEEEE!*
being both organized and unorganized, well I find it a relief to have something organized, but then I've spent decades living with with collectors and hoarders....The Genderanalyzer said The Qi Papers was indeed written by a woman (71%).
Ha, ha it also says HOR is written by a woman, 82% !!!
Maybe they include the comments? All my followers are women!
Or - maybe it's because BL tells me what to write.
LOS, my hubby is an engineer.. I can't go to the store without a list of items to be purchased and a cross reference to a meal plan indicating exactly which meal and on what day the item will be used... I'm not kidding. And, he goes to the store with me. Nothing goes into the cart if it's not on the list. I told him I'll just walk seven paces behind him, too, if he prefers! He laughs but he also thinks I "give in" to his controlling, almost OCD tendancies ... hahaha! I think I remember on My Big Fat Greek Wedding: The man is the head of the household but the woman is the neck and she moves the head anyway she wants!
Everything has to be just where he put it ... He is in Hades married to me! I had to put cardboard braces on my side of the sink to keep my very important pile of stuff from leaking over to his side! Hahahah! He tolerates me because I can cook.
Love D.Moll's dragon! It's so fabulous! Gotta get me one too!!
As for your fridge RG...you are a riot!
As for the fuzzy one's, they are planning paybacks.
dang, zoey and chico are super cute together!
I like Pepper's moniker, Choey, and I like how they are perpendicular in the pic. Very cute!
D.Moll's dragon looks awesome in a frame!
We are also collectors of refrigerator magnets...
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