"For sure sweetums - we've been framed. We are jailed innocents. Any pro-bono lawyers out there want to take our case? A good chance to make a big name for yourself!"
"Oh you drama trollers. Knock it off. You'll be out of there as soon as your food dishes are restocked and your floors cleaned and the hay refreshed. 5, 6 minutes tops. Now everyone will think we abuse you." - RG the, uh, uh - gosh, I can't even think of the right word.

Mr. Mick offers his services pro-bunno, meaning he'll work for treats. He says you two are clearly victims of oppression and neglect, and that he will be happy to file a suit on your behalf as soon as he receives a proper retention fee. Papaya bits and banana chips are usually a good place to start,
Awww, poor babies, I'm sure any good Lawyer would take on your case. RG is clearly the guilty party here! I hope he has plenty of treats ready for you when that door opens;)
You look sooooo abused! You two must have been in there forever! You're skin and bones! Call the SPCA ... Call the Humane Society! Get them some critical care and a syringe! ... oh, what's that? You're not THAT bad ... no critical care??? FAKERS!!!!
RG the Incarcerator.
I hope it won't be, RG the defendent in Judge Juicy's court. Soul searching is a good thing, RG. You keep thinking of words to describe yourself. At our house you are, RG, the really funny.
I wanted to do a deep clean of Mario's pen the other day so I had to lock him in the bathroom for a bit. He was not amused.
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It's so sad..nobody has any right to put these innocents into the cage..we all should come forward to save them..
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POOR animals..who has put this innocent creatures behind the bar? volunteers should come and save them..thanks for sharing..
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Everyone should try to save these innocent animals from brutal behaviors..i request any lawyer to take their case and provide justice to these voiceless creatures..Fort Myers Real Estate
Why these innocent animals are punished? they haven't done any crime..we all should fight against this injustice..thanks for sharing this important blog..Condos For Sale FortMyers
It's an offense to caught these animals and to put them behind the bars..we all should work to help them..PineIslandRealEstate For Sale
It's very sad..who has put these innocent rabbits in the cage..anybody please try to free them..Homes For Sale Pine Island
It is very depressing that some of the people are doing this inhuman behavior..how can somebody be so unkind..Homes For Sale In Cape Coral Florida
Poor rabbits..a good lawyer should take their case and help them to get out..laws should be made for these kind of inhuman activities..thanks for sharing it..Houses For Sale Cape Coral
Plz somebody help them out..they haven't done any crime..then why are they punished?thank you for sharing it..Houses For Sale In Cape Coral Florida
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