... it's Karen! (Chico's toesys, BL's pie, and RG's cobbler) ... good work everyone else though!" Racer - the Cutest!"

"Funny story .. we were checking out of Costco the other day. (Costco is a discount warehouse store if you don't have one. Another of those odd Seattle-area get-rich inventions!) Nicely dressed older gent in front of us with a cartful of stuff including a nice big bottle of Jack Daniels! (Washington just passed a law to allow private stores, instead of state stores, to sell liquor.) All of a sudden he started putting his stuff from the conveyor belt back in his cart but the clerk stopped him and they conversed and pointed and waved their arms and I heard the clerk say "Nathan can just go grab that for you" so checkout proceeded. Right now Nathan comes back with a 42" flat-screen TV in the box over his shoulder and adds it to the checkout and that was that! Maybe he was headed to an Olympic watch-and-drink party and it was BYO ....!
Remember when you got YOUR first TV? Hoo boy ....
Finally some pretty, short, full, long-lasting daises for your weekend enjoyment. We are going to get hot for a couple days."
RG the Reporter ....
RG the roving reporter what's next?have a great weekend HOR!
Racer is precious with that nose button. The rescue here has a rabbit that looks just like him!
Those daisies are perfect. I was born to a house that already had a television, however, I do remember my first bottle of Jack Daniels...hehehe Good times, good time...
What is "hot" in Washington state, RG?
hate when I forget to grab the tv while grocery shopping!
Racer just has such a cute little nose...
I do remember my Dad and his Best Bud bringing it home. You all are also reminding me of my Mother's beautiful flowers. It was awfully considerate of Racer to break the news to the winner and all those who didn't, in some circles referred to as losers. Well, he really knows how to take the sting out of failure.
YES! Racer there should give ALL bad news, and then it would not hurt so much.
HOOORAY! Your insurance lapsed just before the fire!
WOOHOO! There is a moose in your swimming pool!
ALRIGHT! Some wasps made a pretty nest under your front door!
OOOHHH! A raging bull just crushed your SmartCar!
Oh BOY!! Unneutered male cats are having a pissing contest on your back deck!!
COOL! Skunks are nesting under your house!
Oh MAN! A biblical plague of locusts just tore through your cornfield! YUM
WHOAH! Someone just stole your vehicle!
WEEEEE! You just accidentally killed that albotros!
Oh Racer, you little Angel of Death, you cutie patootie, you! NOSE BUMPS!!
OK Brandi B. You may take your pill and sit down now.
PS - eldest Son wrote a little book about "Losers" - all those who lost US Presidential elections and what might have been different had they won! I don't think it saw the light of day!
That's too bad, RG. Folks need to understand in the depths of their souls the importance of the choices they make. Ask your son to try another publisher.
BB, if you EVER think about taking medication, I'll have the DEA at your door in the blink of an eye. At this point you are getting to be the life blood of my day. If you'd help RG's son just a tad with his book, I'm sure it would be a best seller. GO, BB! RG, hang your head in shame.
I don't really remember our first TV but I do remember that we were the LAST family to get a colored TV. My dad just kept fixing the old one...
CB, that is really impressive. My Dad was great at repairs, but I distinctly remember him saying he would work on anything but TVs. He told me not to even carry them around.
I do! My brother got me a little black and white for my bedroom. I was 10 and it was the best Christmas.
I take Paxil for acute anxiety and debilitating terror in general. I was afraid to leave the house, once out of the house, I was afraid to come back home...I had nightmares EVERY night and would lay awake waiting for someone to break into my house, or for world war three, or some kind of apocolypse or my kids to get snatched up. I could hide it very well at work, school and church. I did nothing about it for all these years til something happened and I snapped. I couldn't stop shaking or crying and I was drawing blood at a doctors office for a living! So my doctor thought that the anxiety was a symptom of depression and put me on Paxil. People either do very well on it, or very very VERY bad. I did great. No more nightmares, too, although now I have night terrors and wake up screaming, but I hardly remember what I was dreaming about and I am never afraid when I wake up. Can't say the same for my family, lol. But they are getting used to it. Our lab, Simon, does the same thing and will howl like a hellhound in the middle of the night waking us all up. Paxil saved my sanity and I talk to anyone about it who will listen. I know what it is like to be held hostage by my own brain chemistry and live in terror of terror itself and have to hide it because I was afraid that the world would think I was crazy. No one should have to suffer that.
Some people talk about Jesus. I talk about Paxil.
brandi b, I'm convinced that Jesus can use Paxil to help people, so you could be talking about both! My family is no stranger to anti-anxiety meds. I feel ya sista!
I remember my best friends first TV. We were 13. We were watching it during a thunderstorm and it got hit by lightning and blew up. Then her parents blew up at us for watching during a storm.
Yes, but one has to be able to say "oh, THAT is how my prayers get answered" instead of "why are you not answering my prayers?" I had to be able to recognize the answer, which took years. It took taking Christianity, which is at it's essence and core, an EASTERN religion, and undoing all the corruption of WESTERN civilization and LOGIC and returning it to it's pure, Eastern Mystic origin. Then years of rewiring my brain to that way of thinking in order to get my soul to heal. THEN I could see the forst for the trees and not feel like an utter failure as a Christian because I turned to modern medicine for help. A true East (mysticism ie Christianity in it's intended form) meets West (science and logic as the logical conclusion of mans progression in it's most pure and useful form) in a way that complimented each other and worked in harmony together instead of opposed (creation vs evolution arguments, atheism vs religon etc). Evolution is a fact and a beautiful, if not always gentle, process, meant to be for the betterment of the planet and the survival of our race. Sure, God could snap a finger and BOOM, here we are. If He were that silly and boring. Where is the artistry and glory in BOOM here we are? Perhaps the creation of the universe over trillions of years was just His way of giving a light show for the angels for their awe and wonder and the "what will He do next????!!!".
RG, you got me blah blah blahing...Subject closed. You are a patient person with us chatty cathies, Buddy.
Thank you, BB. So many people just struggle all their lives with these issues. My stupid remark was just intended to say I like you the way you are. Hugs!
Why, yes... Please just throw that huge TV in with my order. Great story!
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