One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Sunday, June 30, 2013
"It has been hot the past two days. Ditto tomorrow. Fans around! And at that, not nearly as the heat in the SW of USA. Go easy down there you all." - RG the Wrung Out
we have a heat wave due the week end so Speedy will only be out early in the morning and last thing at night over wise he will be indoors,keep cool every bunny!xx Rachel
Stay cool, Bunners! We actually are having a cool front come through North Texas! It won't even be 90 today! That is UNHEARD of in July around here! What relief! Now for some rain here and relief from the heat for the rest of the overheated bunners!
I know, right, 6B! It was a balmy high eighties today. I almost wore a long sleeved tee! Brrrr. It was cold this morning. I caught my Myra bunny laying across the vent the other day. I had to buy them their own fan. My husband rolled his eyes. What a buttface.
RG, keep my Chico cool. He is a hot little number as it is, muy caliente!
keep those bunnies in the shade!
The weather is just crazy. It's been a soggy time here in NC. Rain expected all this week too.
we have a heat wave due the week end so Speedy will only be out early in the morning and last thing at night over wise he will be indoors,keep cool every bunny!xx Rachel
Stay cool, Bunners! We actually are having a cool front come through North Texas! It won't even be 90 today! That is UNHEARD of in July around here! What relief! Now for some rain here and relief from the heat for the rest of the overheated bunners!
I know, right, 6B! It was a balmy high eighties today. I almost wore a long sleeved tee! Brrrr.
It was cold this morning.
I caught my Myra bunny laying across the vent the other day. I had to buy them their own fan. My husband rolled his eyes. What a buttface.
RG, keep my Chico cool. He is a hot little number as it is, muy caliente!
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