... Zoey! Don't read Doonesbury. It will rot your brain." "OK. I'll just chew on it." "No! No! THAT will be worse!" - The Caring Duo.

"I probably need to set my "Parental" controls a little differently for these two." - Confused RG
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
well they both seem to be happy enough with the paper, i wouldn't really worry about Doonesbury rotting their brains....
In no circumstances should the parental controls be handed over to RG.
RG, are you up to telling Rachel that it is now basketball season?
Basket Ball?Well I don't mind that so much,xx Rachel
Now, Rachel, don't go all soft on us. We really need your perspective. I am not saying we are "hooligans" yet, but it is a slippery slope.
Too funny. I'm surprised they didn't pee on it too.
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