Got to try to do the meme I was tagged for from Boggins or Buggins or who ever that is (Sammy's person) ... my mind is weak but my will is strong so here goes ...
Here are the rules, so easy:
Answer at least three of the questions. Yes, I know a few look time-consuming and there are several of them. That's why I only ask for three. See? I'm nice! (Buggins' words, not mine ..)
Post them and the rules on your blog, and please link back to me here. Pretty please *^_^* ?
Comment here telling me and the rest of our little party where you're at and link to yourself.
That's all!
Oh yeah, don't forget to tag others!
So here we go!
What's the last book you read that you thought was really super, inspiring, you'd recommend it to most anyone? I would have to go look up some stuff ... I generally do not find many books that inspiring ... I know too many people who keep reminding me that it is all 85% crap ... besides, I have never been a rememberer.
What food totally grosses you out, you'd never be able to touch it? Ew. Gag. *hurl* Mayonnaise - long story from my childhood ..(aren't they all?)
Did you ever watch a scary movie that frightened you so much you were afraid of the dark afterward? I mean like you're lying in bed trying to sleep, but you have to pee, but you're scared to get up. It doesn't have to be recently; could be when you were a kid. So what movie was it? The Thing (original version) ... had to "sleep" downstairs, at my Grandparents' house, all alone, afterwards. Probably ruined me for life.
Is there a song that makes you dance every time you hear it? Would you tap you feet and sing along to it in public? My feet are not connected to my brain ... NO. Well ... maybe The Hoky Poky.
Tattoos: yes or no? Do you have any? Tell us! NO, they are after my time, besides my Mother would a killed me. Do you think they're gross? TELL US! Some are ...
When's the last time you laughed so hard your ribs ached and/or you nearly peed yourself? What made you do it? Be serious, I'm German ...
Draw or doodle a picture of your pet(s) and post it if possible. Nothing fancy, don't be shy! I'm technically unable to comply ...
Go through a stack or box of your old music. Stuff that you may not have heard in years. Pick one and tell us about it. Is it as good (or as bad) as you remember? Donovan's Sunshine Superman ... good as ever!
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? We won't laugh! This is one of those questions you are damned if you do and damned if you don't no matter how you answer ... I plead the 5th.
Tagging Gus and Betsy's Dad, Erin at the Zoo, and the Worm Farmer from Detroit!
Orlando is always stealing mine!
i can't believe someone stoleded your carrot!!! i hope it wasn't zinger
That Rabbit's Guy had better get you another carrot.
What a cutie that rabbit is! Funny that our buns don't care that much for carrots and will only eat them grudgingly.
Adoraboe photo! Anya used to look like that when she was searching for dandelions, she was never a big carrot eater. Interestign meme too.
Carrots are a favourite here...I must chomp them in slices and spread over the salad, so that both can get an equal share. Hugo and MIss Eve try even to steal the bits from each other's mouth!!
"The Thing" is a real scary movie (also because there isn't happy ending at all!) - and what is this thing? Rabbit Guy is German? Where from?
Hey guys, did you get tagged for the name meme yet? if not then you're it! if you did then well nevermind! and i think we're caught up on the memes! whew!
Oh oh, I don't think carrots left unattended in a bunny warren is a very good thing to do! Better luck next time! :)
Ha Ha! What's German got to do with it?! I'm having BIG problems with Blogger lately. I have a hard time going on to others' blogs as well as my own, and I do apologize. I think the issue is with Blogger, as I keep getting a 502 server error. I might have to switch my site to wordpress or something :(
Thanks for playing along!!
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