Yes, it's hot up here ... 80's today ... but we'll be down below 70 in a couple more days and whining about that! The cherry tomatoes are getting red!
wOOt .. in just about three days I was called Sweet, a Saint, and an Inspiration on the blog-o-sphere! I might as well just live there!!!!
Somebody suggested packing up the bunns and taking in a movie in an A/C theatre. Can I imagine getting 10 rabbits to agree on the flick, all get in the car at once, and not squabble over who gets the way-back? Fuggehhtaboudit!
Yes, the 7BUNNY7 is getting anxious, but not yet ... not unless somebody else wants to narrate the adventure. I'm about a month away from having that inspiration! But, if somebody wants to volunteer, let me know, I'll hand over the keys!
And last, did you see ROO today? Wow, and addictive too!
We're still here! Thanks for missing us - man we've been nuts! And you've been busy as usual!
Cool about Roo - i REALLY want a giant bun, someday...
I am trying to catch up on all the posts! Takes a long time to keep up on all the action!
Well GREAT, another bunny blog to be addicted to. Thanks for posting the link, though :)
That rabbit run looks marvelous! Too bad I don't have room for one indoors.
another lovely photo of your buns! Thanks for the link - I couldn't cope with a giant rabbit, I'd seen a photo of Roo in the newspaper.
pkthwRoo sure is GIANT, wow. Always a treat to see your bunns. Hmmm maybe we could have different people writing different legs of the trip???? As to Stuck UP Rabbits I was set to go and lost the sticky paper, kept thinking I would find it, but am breaking down (crack) to go buy some more.......
We can see your point about getting 10 rabbits to agree on a movie! But you could go to one of those multi screen places and everyone could see a different flick! Rounding them up afterwards may be a bit of a problem. And the cost of all that snack bar popcorn could break Rabbit Guy's bank! Hmmmm. We'll continue to ponder this dilema...
Hef and I are popping open a cold beer on the patio and will buy a round for all the buns sweating it out!
So glad you checked out my blog!
It never did cool off. Today was just as bad as yesterday, miserable.
I cleaned the rabbitat today and it was 80 in there! Yuck.
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