One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Gotta check to make sure he is nice and clean and the nails are not too long, but he does not like it! Sooooo ... take a good look at the white nose and white back toes because you may not see them all in one picture again for awhile!!!!
By the way people .... I really don't think you are going to see a picture of the 10 happy hoppers here all together ... it would be mayhem or worse. Maybe via Photoshop but not in real life ...
Racer's eyes are about to pop out!!!
yeah i couldn't get more than two of my buns to get along at one time, ten would be near impossible - lots of fur would fly i'm sure!
Racer's eyes are about to pop out!!!
yeah i couldn't get more than two of my buns to get along at one time, ten would be near impossible - lots of fur would fly i'm sure!
That is one severe bunny disapproval!
What a frown! And he looks like he's flaring his nostrils, too!
that is serious disapproval there.....
The face says it all! Racer is not amused!
What lovely little white back toes on a not-so-happy little Racer!
(Sticky Buns update: Betsy and Gus made it to Sweden again, see !)
That is some serious disapproval!!
Whoa, are you in trouble! His eyes are popping out!
oh have GOT to submit that one to disapproving rabbits.
Well, I just did ... we'll see how it goes. Is there a way to send in requests or votes to them????
Can we stuff the ballot box?
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