One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Maybe you should talk to RG about flashing Baxter all over the internet....
Don't worry, Right Honorable Zoey. I'm sure the ladies know better than to cross a fierce bunny like you!
oh Zoey, you're so adorable, how would anyone want to upset you by stealing Baxter from you...
My two favorite traits (Elvis has them too): fierce and fluffy!
I don't know Zoey... Looked like Baxter was chatting with the ladies...
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Maybe you should talk to RG about flashing Baxter all over the internet....
Don't worry, Right Honorable Zoey. I'm sure the ladies know better than to cross a fierce bunny like you!
oh Zoey, you're so adorable, how would anyone want to upset you by stealing Baxter from you...
My two favorite traits (Elvis has them too): fierce and fluffy!
I don't know Zoey... Looked like Baxter was chatting with the ladies...
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