Now, today BL goes off to the Skagit River, slides down a bank to some rocks, and commences to fish for Pink Salmon with about 50 zillion other people. NEVER bet against BL and fishing ....
I, RG did the cleaning, filleting, and grilling - a lemon-butter basting and BBQ-sauce glaze. This is eat local week here. Her fish, his potatoes, and the neighbor's sweet corn!More rabbits tomorrow - promise.
YUM! That fish loves delicious! BL and RG make a great "fish" team. She hooks 'em and you cooks 'em.
Waaaay too much people stuff... thanks for the warning!
You are right... maybe he's a cat... hmmm do cats snore?
People think they only get 15 minutes of fame. As long as they believe that, let 'em have it!
Don't think we have seen BL face here before. It's nice! My SIL has been at the river fishing too. On my way to work I see tons of people on the banks fishing.
I have to go to the store and buy some salmon now...ok bye
That is quite a fish!
Racer does not look impressed.
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