(Four weeks into the right shoulder recovery. Started Physical Therapy .. progressing better and faster than the other one .. two more weeks and I can DRIVE! America, here I come!)
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
(Four weeks into the right shoulder recovery. Started Physical Therapy .. progressing better and faster than the other one .. two more weeks and I can DRIVE! America, here I come!)
Glad the shoulder's recovering well!
Nice photo, i loke your description of Chico...
Nosies through the fence. We have a love-smotherer bun here--if Elvis loves you, he will sort of collapse on your face. Pink and Peachss "argh--can't breathe!"
Excellent news on your shoulder. BL must be relieved!
Hooray for shoulder :~)
I think you should let them meet ont he same sie of the fence and see what happens, well maybe wait until the should is all better in case you have to referee....
And another bun alliance is about to be forged.
Good that you'll be driving soon. The Bunns have a list of places for you to go: the bun hay store, the bun kibble store, the bun vegetable store, and let's not forget the bun treat store.
YUP ... the Bunns have a LOOOOOONG list of chores for me! Fortunately it includes much snuggling ..
That is such a cute photo and from a great perspective - look at those little noses!
Glad to hear your shoulder is recovering. :)
Sounds like we should be getting ready for a bunny road trip! YEAH!
Aww! I love this picture!
Glad to hear your shoulder is doing better. My dad had the same surgeries and his second shoulder healed a lot faster too! Hang in there! You'll be back on the roads again soon!
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