Sliders ...

1. Glenna from Eye of the Needle, upon seeing the beautiful Goldie in the last post, asked if we had Fluffernutters out here. No, I never heard of them, looked them up ... Goldie reminds her of them and well she should, now that I know what they are. But - we do have Sliders and BL has found secret sources for the buns (oh crud, excuse me, you know what I mean) and ingredients and they are superb.
2. Our wonderful outside cat Maxine died this summer from old age. There are other cats that hang out here, but they are not tame, nor not the same. Awhile ago this fellow just waltzed in out of the woods during a kind of down-time for BL, hopped in her lap, and commenced to make everything right. So he is now the wonderful outside cat ... he better STAY the outside cat. She calls him Magic Cat. If you go see Hef's blog, The Bunny Lounge, you will see that something very similar has recently happened clear across the country. Keep watch out YOUR back door.
3. Benji is STILL better than all that.
sorry Maxine died, glad you found another outside cat...but no matter how cute the cat, a rabbit is still better....
I'm begining to see why The Bunns are so anti-cat just waltzing in.
Yay for Magic Cat! We have a cat that comes to our back door - a lovely calico. She tries to come into our house sometimes, but I draw the line there, since our 17-yo cat deserves to not have to defend his territory in his old age.
There must be some kind of national secret agenda going on with these cats.
charming indeed. that bunny is adorable!
1. Yummy!!
2. So sorry to hear about Maxine. But I am glad a nother kitty decided to call all of you home :) Very sweet!
3. Agree!
Welcome to Cheyenne! Sometimes animals just seem to sense when we need that extra comfort. She must have known BL needed a cat in her lap.
Sliders? Reminds me of the 24-hour White Castle Drive-thru in Chicago @ about 4 in the morning
- Dave
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