You won't find her ... BL (along with Baxter's person) has gone off to the Beach for 4 days. RG is in charge. "Keep Calm and Carry On" .... what more can we do?
Statler and Waldorf ... the two muppets that sit in the side box and trash the performance. Yes - Goldie and Benji have been paying attention.

It's true ... only me to do the breakfasts, tidy and freshen up the outside pens and ferry everybunn out, clean the condos and be sure there is plenty of hay, clean water, pellets, oats, fresh sticks, and treats, ferry everybunn in, give plenty of cuddles and snuggles, and then make and serve salads in the evening. The probability of a successful tour of duty is????? ..................
You poor little buns.. stranded with only one ill-trained human to take care of you. You should stage a pootie protest; pootie Missles equiped and ready to fire!
You can do it, RG! The bunnies are counting on you!
oh Benji, don't despair! RG will do a great job of looking after you...
Sounds like RG will have his hands full,LOL!!!!
We're rooting for you all, RG! We're sure you will do just fine.
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Sounds like your still playing Santa. Oooo the beach, sounds nice.
OK Everybody. One day done with no casualties! Everybunn seemed excited to see me and the breakfast this morning. There were no traces of left over evening salads. I think I can do this!
We're rooting for you, RG! You can do it!
Ha ha! Yes, they are totally those Muppets all over :)
You can do it RG!! And BL will be home soon, so hang in there! :)
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