It's been more than a week of below freezing - the ground is frozen solid. We got an inch of snow on top of it. Now is coming a warm spell and rain. Every joint and bone aches. The Holiday Season is in full swing ... taking its stressful toll. Two sliced up shoulders still trying to recover. Too much to do, too little time. A rotten economy - touching us on many fronts.
Who ya gonna call????

ZOEY! MY ZOEY!!!! :<)
There's nothin' like a soft bunn to brighten the day:)
A bunny is usually a good solution to a problem.
I have found that buns are good for soothing what ails us. Awful day at work? Come home to a quiet bun who will listen thoughtfully while chewing on hay and then give a nice nose bump.
My bunnies are the best therapy around. I've decided that buns were put here to give us joy and cheer us. Whenever I'm down or ailing, all I have to do is look at them and I feel better. Aren't they wonderful?
Just the sight of a bunny is enough to make me smile. Yay Zoey, keep up the good work!
Zoey is a darling, she could brighten up the dullest day...
Awww, Zoey, what a talented Bunn she is.
Aww nobody can resist a fluffy bunny! So cute and comfy on your lap!
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