Teeny is the little brown bunny. This picture was June, 2007 when they all were living in our entry way in a big box and pen ... abandoned by Mom .. rescued by Fed Ex ... taken in by Big Hearted BL.
Teeny eventually got adopted and here he is in Feb. of 2008!

These are pictures we just got from Teeny's people .. Teeny isn't very Teeny is he???? Cute though!

These are pictures we just got from Teeny's people .. Teeny isn't very Teeny is he???? Cute though!
Aww... they grow up so fast. :)
I still picture my youngest bunnies as a handful, then remember they got bigger. ;)
oh what a lot of fluffy baby bunnies! Teeny seems to have grown up into a lovely adult too. Lovely photos
You have nice rabbit.
Aww darn, I thought they were houseful of rabbit grandkids!
It looks like Teeny has a nice life. Yay to you and BL for helping make it happen!
So sweet, and he looks so loved and well-fed.
How adorable, both then and now. And thanks to you for fostering those little guys.
I want to start a club with him... a helicopter ears club...
The little lop cracks me up. He/she seems to be saying this hay is all mine get your own. Too funny!
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