That Kitty Boy come over into my private area, he is toast - got that BL??? - Savannah

All in all a tough day for good old RG. I think all the sympathy lies with Kitty Boy and BL. To top it off, I quit my part time job with a local non-profit environmental education group. The Board members liked too much Talk and not enough Do to suit me. Today was a big Thank You party, which was nice. But BL tried to sign me up for night work in the winter digging clams at low tide for our local Shellfish Grower. The gang gave me the sequel to "The Monkey Wrench Gang" by Edward Abbey. Seems like everybody wants me in trouble. I guess they give the HARD work to the BEST people. I'll try to catch up on reading and commenting on blogs tomorrow - I owe some of you BIG TIME!
Poor ol' RG. It seems you lost the Kitty Boy battle. Sorry. Give it time and you'll get used to it.
I'm with you one the job thing. When I quit at the living history museum after seven years of wearing 1850's garb complete with corset and multiple petticoats, I thought I'd get into a 21st century job fairly soon. No luck yet. Even worse, the hip has decided it doesn't want to do field archaeology anymore. I've found job hunting to be quite depressing, so I try not to do it.
Awww, Poor Savannah.
And sorry about the job situation. Good luck with everything.
I totally understand about the job. I've worked in many places where there was more talk than action, and I found it depressing. Unfortunately for me, I have yet to reach an age where I can walk away from a job that drives me crazy. Someday, though...
It might be inauspicious to get rid of a cat in the year of the TIger....but my deepest sympathies to you RG and Bunns.......I'm sure you'll get yourself into some sort interesting trouble.
Awww ... Savannah. I'm with you. A bun's personal space should be respected! Cats have no respect for personal space.
Goodness, I hope you're going to name him something other than "Kitty Boy." Perhaps you could call him "Monkey," or even "Monkey Wrench." He's kind of cute, really. Maybe you could call him Peppers after his box? Perhaps Savannah should consult with Silver over protocol?
BL, your comment about my blog photos of the Guntersville area--thanks. I love the area, too, and often spend time there fishing or just enjoying nature. RG mentioned that you had spent time in Huntsville. We've been here for 23 years now. I guess we should call it home. Your parents at Maple Hill--were they Huntsville natives? My sister is there, too.
Cuddle up with Kitty Boy and enjoy his purring. And don't worry, the Bunns will most likely let him know who is boss in short order. Our present cats are all afraid of the rabbits.
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