BL is 39 today! Some friends came over to help her celebrate - many of these friends fit right in with our life style - and they make her laugh. So does Champagne.

"Gosh - she could have said "Bring Treats" couldn't she?" - Chico
(PS- we all love you BL)
Happy Birthday, BL! And what a cutie Chico is. Smooches for Chico!
Cute salad servers! :)
Happy Birthday, BL! Today (7/2) was my 39th birthday, too, but I didn't get to use cute salad servers like those or have the cuteness of Chico to add to the festivities.
Happy Birthday BL! Looks like a lovely party! I would have brought treats for Chico and all the others! I like the bunny salad servers!
Happy Birthday BL! Looks fun, champagne is great!
Happy Birthday!!!
May all your wishes come true!
Looks like a very fun party!
Looks like a good time was had by one and all! Next year on her 39th birthday you really must insist that the guests bring bunny treats.
Happy Birthday BL! LOVE the salad servers. I bet the all the buns would approve of being served salad with those servers!
Happy Birthday BL! :)
Happy BDay! I turned 39 in June too! What a great year! Hope this is your best year yet!
Happy Birthday BL!
Happy belated, BL!!! Those salad servers are pretty nifty!
Happy Birthday BL! (My birthday was yesterday... big weekend!)
39 huh?
Guess I shouldn't say anything since I freakin missed it!
I never did figure out what those rabbit paddles are. My best guess is a decorative pair of salad tongs.
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