- The Princess -

Here is some crabbing info and pix.
Dungeness crab are quite plentiful around here and the season is currently open until end of September. Keep 5 males per day per person, must be at least 6 1/4" across the back. A person can have two traps going at once.
Normally, BL and a friend go crabbing about once a week in a nice boat and get their limits very fast and that is usually enough crab for us for the week!
There is a dock at Coronet Bay, just south of Deception Pass. It floats and so it rises and falls with the tides. The dock is part of the State Park and many boaters moor to it for the night and also to await the slack tides through Deception Pass. I heard it has some dungeness crab there and so I went early last Wednesday morning to check it out, since no boat is needed!
The dock was chock-a-block full of boats, including the Lady Washington, a big sailing ship replica of the boat Robert Gray sailed to discover the mouth of the Columbia River in 1792. (A sort of sister ship, the Hawiian Chieftan, was also there.) So I hung my traps over the edge, baited with chicken pieces, in between the boats and took my chances. Didn't work - pretty well skunked - lots of little ones and females.
But, by 10:30 all the boats left so I had the whole dock to try out, and I did - still to no avail. A few other crabbers were there too, a couple keepers amongst the lot of them.
Fortunately, the next day BL and friend saved the day by scoring fine so I am about to shuck some and enjoy a big Crab Louie!!! Good to have a woman who knows how to bring home the bacon, so to speak!
The far end of Coronet Bay empties out well as the tide falls and here are some of a flock of about 50 blue herons standing in the shallow water, way over there, fishing and feeding!

Close up of a few of the birds ...
Lady crabbers rock! They get more than men. I'm doing an actual study, and it's true. (secret word is crobbe just now .. funny)
I guess I really don't need to toot BL's horn for her now, do I!
I can feed 10 buns and 1 cat right off of the bat
Then I can go out to crab and the limit I'll grab
'Cause I'm BL
I can make crab louis that won't make you go phooey
And I take great pics that don't need a fix
'Cause I'm RG
Some may like it hot, I do not.
While they blab about crab that they grab
We are mad.
It is hot and we have carrots not.
Bravo, BL, RG, and Fab Furs!
Now, Princess, why aren't your two slaves standing in attendance at either side of you fanning you for your comfort?
We agree! Hot = yuck!
Eighty degrees is considered a cold front down here, lol!
I love those herons. Even though you personally didn't catch a lot of crabs, it looks like the scenery made up for it.
I take the crabs and you buns can have the carrots.
It was 108 here today. My sympathies are with you without air conditioner.
I visited Deception Pass State Park back in July and it was very beautiful - I definitely want to go back. I was also treated to seeing dolphins during the ferry ride over and an orca on the way back home. Keep those bunns cool during the hot weather!
Poor bunnies in the heat, I'd guess Goldie must be feeling it worst of all?
That's a lot of herons!
We leave the air on for Hef and he doesn't go out when its 80 or hotter which it has been for a while, poor bun has this great garden and can't go out to it! I happen to like the hot weather but I don't have a lot of meat on my bones and need the heat to stay warm!
I have such a craving for crab!
I agree.
Hot is not good.
It was hot here a while ago.
Ankles put a big jug of ice in my BUNker.
It looked ominous.
I went in my bunnel to get away.
It was hotter in there.
Ankles took the ice out.
Been hot here too. Today is over 100. Ick! Thank goodness for the AC.
Coronet Pass looks like a place I would really like, especially with all the herons around.
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