"Black Bart"!

In the meantime. Bart and Savannah have shown much joint interest - they sort of have adjoining suites - Bart currently belongs to the lady who gave us Savannah some time ago! He's a fine bunny - very friendly.
Now - back to your regularly scheduled programming ....
OOO BUNNY! Such a tease you are RG! Acting like you got a new a new bunny! Shame on you! teehee!
Uh-huh. And what happens if the youngster isn't up to it? Are you going to deport Savannah's new friend? (BB is awfully cute.)
Stop that - right NOW!
Black Bart is a love! He was going to spend his sleep-over weekend (or week) outside in a big hutch-like condo on the back deck ... but instead, he's staying in the kitchen.
He's adorable, sweet, mellow, friendly. An easy keeper. Loves Savannah already.
We haven't had a new bunny in the house for years! But he's just visiting.
BL loves the name Black Bart! Conjures up such intriguing images.
Ohhhhh, come on--how can you deprive Savannah of a new friend--and you would have ten bunnies again! Ten is such a nice round number. (You can always give KB to the kid.) :D
I love the name; if I ever have a black bunny, I just might have to commandeer it.
What a handsome new bunny, oh, sorry, he's just visiting...
Oh, I like Black Bart. See how things go with him and the youngster. If it looks kinda sketchy, keep him for Savannah. Keep KB, too, 'cause there are kitties and bunnies at shelters that need homes that Kiddo could check out. Of course, if BB is really good with kids and Kiddo is bun-able, it might be a match made in heaven.
hey, WHEN can i come over???!!!
The lady who brought Black Bart here (Savannah's first mom), said either Black Bart was neutered ... or his privates are the size of small capers.
If there's the smallest chance it's "small capers" -- then we could be in trouble, because Savannah has never been spayed. And now she is too old.
She may not be too old for Black Bart, though. I mean ... who would be too old for some guy with a name like that?
bunnies can also suck their family jewels back into their abdominal cavities, at least part of them, so it can be pretty hard to tell with a modest bun.
For real? Suck their family jewels back into their body? For what purpose? Modesty? How fascinating!
Does this mean he will be mellow with an unspayed bun like Savannah, or the little capers will suddenly make an encore-type appearance?
Are bunnies not the most fascinating of animals?! I mean ... if men would be willing to do the same thing ... there would be no need for Viagra, right, and all those tiresome commercials?
Oh well ... different body parts, I guess.
From what I have read in textbooks and told by lecturers, they retract their capers in times of stress, as their inguinal rings remain open throughout their lives. I would imagine someone having a poke around their nether regions would be enough to incite a bun to suck those back in for protection!
I am currently fostering two 12 week old Angora brothers...and I have just confirmed that they are definitely brothers as their capers (although more almond-sized) have just descended, and it was a trick with one of them, as I'd feel his little caper/almond, and then it would disappear!
Bunnies are amazing. My un-neutered boy back home is a wonderful gentleman to my girls. My guess with BB is that he will be extremely courteous to our Savannah...but there is a chance that his capers may still be hanging around.
Oh, what a handsome bunny. You should keep BB! Oh, my, capers and almonds!
Oh he's so handsome - keep him, keep him, keep him!
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