"So you soft, fuzzy cutey-pie - how shall I increase my newspaper circulation?" - the "P"
"OMG! I can't believe he is asking a rabbit this stuff? I would suggest giving away more treats!" - The Princess

(The "P" is the Publisher of our local paper - BL (the columnist) has learned he had a pet bunny as a child and so off to work goes The Princess. A great time was had by all! - very cool, eh?)

(The "P" is the Publisher of our local paper - BL (the columnist) has learned he had a pet bunny as a child and so off to work goes The Princess. A great time was had by all! - very cool, eh?)
Very cool! I always joke about bringing Hef to work for Easter!
Another person succumbs to the persuasive powers of The Princess. :)
Does this mean that The Princess will be getting her own column? Or was she there on a purely ambassadorial mission?
Traveling ambunssador......
I'm sure bunnies everywhere will want subscriptions now!
I just hope he realizes how special he must be to be in the company of the infamous Princess!
Hey, not to steal The Princess' thunder, but I see Racer is today's Disapproving Rabbit. Way to go, Racer!
'Bring your Bunny to Work Day'. I love it :D
not to steal Princess' thunder, but yay for famous mr. Racer! He's SO disapproving.
I bet if he infused the pages with Carrot juice, more bunnies would like to munch on them after the humans have finished reading.
Our bunnies like reading the paper...and riiiiiiipping it.
Definitely very cool.
I sometimes used to take Periwinkle to work with me at the museum. It was always good for bun relations.
Congratulations to Racer, too.
...and probably part of the buns plan for world domination!
PS Congrats Racer on making DR
Sage gives a high five on Racer becoming a fellow DR. She says he should get a dorito's cool ranch chip in celebration. I said that most people don't let their bunnies eat that junk. (To be fair, Sage averages one a year) She said fine, SHE should get the chip to celebrate his win..
I love the smile on his face. It's impossible to hold a bunny and not have your mood improve.
That is SO cool. I wish I could bring my buns to work! I do have their pictures in my office lol.
Sorry princess, i need to go check out DR.
She looks like a good hold.
That is great! Good job princess.
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